Why the midwives strike from this Friday

This is the third strike movement since the start of the year.At the call of the national trade union organization of midwives, the profession-at the public hospital but also in liberal-inaugurates "a weekend without midwives" to claim better recognition.


Byrvé Naudot |

83partagespartagertwitterC’est le troisième appel à la grève des sage-femmes depuis le début de l’année. Ici à l’hôpital privé des Bonnettes, à Arras, en juin. PHOTO ARCHIVES MATTHIEU BOTTE - VDNPQR

The midwives founded many hopes on the mission of the IGAS (General Inspectorate of Social Affairs) which looked at the evolution of their profession, at the start of the year.They were waiting for "recognition in line with their level of training and responsibilities", underlines Aude Lesage, midwife for five years in CH Lens and member of the CGT.With, in sight, the prospect of better wages, a reviewed status and improved working conditions.

Disappointed hopes: "We felt humiliated by the arbitrations of the Minister who led to a bonus of 100 euros net monthly while the mission of the Igas advocated, not a bonus, but a real increase in wages of 624 eurosnet per month, ”continues Aude Lesage.

Bac + 5

Pourquoi les sages-femmes font grève à partir de ce vendredi

The midwives had already felt forgotten by the agreements of the Ségur de la santé, which had granted them a bonus of 183 euros net monthly, the same as that granted to non-medical professions.

However, the profession is constantly evolving, with missions which are added.Since 2016, they can prescribe contraception, ensure drug abortion or even prescribe vaccines for the mother and the newborn, etc.."Today, we hold a bac +5, with four years of specialty after the first common year of health.»»

Parmi ses camarades de promo à la fac, « l’une a exercé à l’hôpital et a fait un burn out après moins de deux ans d’exercice et s’est reconvertie dans la prévention et l’environnement ; une autre n’a jamais voulu exercer dans les conditions de l’hôpital et s’est tournée vers les structures d’accueil de femmes en précarité…»» Aude Lesage le déplore : « Le plus beau métier du monde ne fait plus rêver, les conditions de travail se dégradent avec un risque pour la santé des mamans.»»

Closed offices

The strike movement, which starts this Friday until Sunday included, should be very followed.The results ?"We will not be in the hospital and we will only work in case of assignment.So far, we have always managed between us, this time it's over!It will be up to the management to find solutions.»»

There are sixty midwives at Lens hospital.All this weekend, the Liberals' cabinets will be closed and the follow-up meetings, canceled.

Poursuivez votre lecture sur ce(s) sujet(s) :Grève|Santé publique|Hôpitaux et cliniques|Lens (62300, Pas-de-Calais)

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