Why, despite the three doses, we contract COVID-19?

DELTA = TRIANGLE and OMICRON = EYE: The eye was in the tomb and looked at Cain. Victor Hugo.

An enlightening interview with geneticist Christian Vélot, published on December 26, 2020 puts words on the risks associated with genetic vaccines (RNA or DNA) if they are inoculated on a large scale: The emergence of recombinant viruses. (This phenomenon can only occur if genetic material from two or more viruses is found in the same cells.

Which is fortunately extremely rare in nature since it implies that the same cells are co-infected by at least two viruses).

Why, despite the three doses, contracts Do we get Covid-19?

But when we voluntarily introduce viral genetic material into a very large number of individuals — here for vaccination purposes. In these people, infection with a single virus is enough for such exchanges (between the genome of the infecting virus and the vaccine genetic material) to occur and can thus give rise to recombinant viruses. Source (hear minute 36): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYwCxe9gvQY


And very important: https://odysee.com/@Chloe_F:b/Nano-circuits_dans_les_vaccins_anti_covid:b

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