What women must know before choosing the person who will operate them grenades - Summer series

One of the main co-authors of this revolutionary research is Dr Angela Jerath, associate professor and clinical epidemiologist at the University of Toronto.For the first time, the correlation between the sex of the patient, the sex of his surgeon and the results of the surgery was analyzed.

The study covered on a wide range of surgeries: arthroplasty of the hip and knee, to the removal of an appendix or the gallbladder through more complicated operations such as a cardiac bridge, aaneurysm repair or brain surgery.

Research found that operated patients had the same results, that their surgeon was a man or a woman.But for patients the results are disturbing."At the macro level, the results are overwhelming: when a surgeon woman operates, the results for patients are generally better, especially for women, even after adjustment depending on the differences in chronic health, age and age and age differencesOther factors, when they undergo the same procedures, "said Dr. Jerath, adding:" This difference in treatment has real medical consequences for patients and manifests itself by more complications, readmissions to the hospital anddeath in women than in men.(…) (It is) worrying because there should be no difference in sex in the results of patients regardless of the sex of the surgeon ".

Ce que les femmes doivent savoir avant de choisir la personne qui va les opérer Les Grenades - Série d'Eté

These results raise important questions about the way in which "implicit sex prejudices" could lead surgeons to discriminate women, on the differences in socially constructed empathy, on communication styles or on the ability to create good interpersonal relations(For example, patients can feel more comfortable talking to a surgeon before the operation and trust her, including the measures they must take to improve their chances of good results), etc..

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