What is this health pass offered by the South Region at 15–26 year olds?Overflowed by the info?

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8.740 jeunes de Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’Azur l’ont déjà utilisé l’an passé.In 2022, the checkbook "Young health pass" mobilized by the southern region is back.

Concretely, it aims to allow the 15–26 year olds to access free of charge of a set of medical services among health professionals and liberal psychologists.

It is in the form of coupons and concerns prevention, access to contraception and psychological consultations.

Created at the start to facilitate access to prevention and contraception of young people, "the pass adapts".

Since the crisis linked to the coronavirus, "the state of health of young people and students deteriorates".

A large part of the students encountered psychological difficulties during this period.

Note that this year, she joined a new "periodic protection" coupon to assert in pharmacies.

Que contient-​il?

C’est quoi ce Pass Santé proposé par la Région Sud aux 15–26 ans? Débordé par l’info?

1 coupon 1ère consultation médicale, utilisable chez un médecin généraliste ou un spécialiste : gynécologues, pédiatres, sage-​femmes et dermatologues-vénérologues.

1 Biological analysis coupon, usable in a medical biology laboratory, upon presentation of a prescription.

For regular contraception:

1 coupon "implant, d.I.U., diaphragm (+ spermicidal gel) ", usable in pharmacies, on presentation of a prescription or four coupons" pill, patch, ring ", usable in pharmacies, upon presentation of a prescription.

1 second medical consultation coupon, usable if necessary with the healthcare professional who ensured the first consultation for the control visit or the installation of a contraceptive.

1 periodic protection coupon, usable in pharmacy.

1 "condom" coupon, usable in pharmacies.

For psychological follow -up:

4 coupons "psychological consultation", usable in a liberal psychologist.

Who is he talking to?

Les personnes âgées de 15 à 26 ans résidant en Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’Azur peuvent profiter des avantages du Pass Santé.They must be registered in a high school, in an apprenticeship training center (CFA), in a health and social training establishment, in a higher education establishment, in a local mission, at Pôle Emploi, or on an internshipvocational training, on professionalization contracts, on a future employment contract or in civic service, still in the region.

How to get it?

It is valid until August 31.You have to ask for it on passers -by.manegions.fr and provide proof of the status (school certificate, contract, registration certificate, etc.) mentioning the applicant's date of birth.It is renewable each year by following this procedure again.

How to use it?

Le professionnel de santé doit exercer en Provence-​Alpes Côte d’Azur et accepter les coupons en guise de paiement.They thus dispense the patient from presenting his vital card and his mutual insurance card.A maximum reimbursement amount is set by coupon.If the amount billed is greater than the amount of the coupon, the difference is to be paid by the patient.Coupons are reimbursed directly to professionals by the South region.

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