What does the color of your language say about your health?

Language is an organ with multiple functions: it allows, among other things, to distinguish tastes and flavors, to facilitate digestion, but beyond these physiological functions, its aspect can be a good health indicator.Indeed, its color makes it possible to shed light on the state of health of a person.Overview of the different colors and what they can translate with Dr. Christine Frank, dentist.


When everything is fine in the body, the language normally has a homogeneous pink tint.A modification of its color or an alteration of its texture can reveal the presence of an anomaly, an infection or poor hygiene.

1.Bright red tongue

Bright red language - Source: SPM

The bright red tongue, also called raspberry language is a sign of scarlatin or Kawasaki disease

This disease requires hospitalization because it can cause heart complications


Yellow language - Source: SPM

According to explanations found on the health passport site, this color can be the cause of several factors, in particular:

This yellow coloring of the tongue is therefore a temporary and temporary situation, but it can be a sign of a real medical condition, as when it comes to jaundice.

Que dit la couleur de votre langue à propos de votre santé ?

To correct this anomaly, to avoid tobacco, in order to reduce the accumulation of dead cells on the tongue, and strengthen the bacterial flora naturally present on the tongue and in the mouth. Il est également conseillé de boire assez d’eau et d’adopter une alimentation riche en fibre, pour préserver l’équilibre des micro-organismes de la bouche.

3. Langue noire

Black language - Source: SPM

La prolifération des champignons et des bactéries dans la bouche et leur accumulation sur la surface de la langue entrainent un dépôt noir, qui donne à la langue un aspect « chevelu ».This anomaly, although it is unsightly, constitutes a temporary symptom, without gravity.

Several factors can promote this proliferation.We cite among others:

4.White language

White language - Source: SPM

A whitish deposit can also cover the language.It can sometimes be painful and even cause difficulties in swallowing.

The causes of the white language are multiple.We can cite :

Une infection par un champignon : c’est la cause la plus courante de la langue blanche. On parle dans ce cas de la candidose qui est une infection qui résulte généralement de la prise d’antibiotiques.Indeed, the digestive flora is disturbed by bacteria when taking these drugs, and this is what allows certain fungi to proliferate in the mouth and in the digestive tract.

Le reflux gastrique : Il est également une cause fréquente de la blancheur de la langue.This acidity of the stomach which dates to the esophagus leads to irritation in the mouth and digestive tract.

Dessèchement de la langue : Le stress, le tabac ou la prise des antidépresseurs ou des antihistaminiques modifient la quantité de la salive et provoquent un dessèchement de la langue, responsable de la couleur blanche.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is therefore important to prevent the appearance of these whitish deposits.Nor should you forget to drink enough water and eat balanced to preserve the balance of the bacterial flora of the tongue, but also that of the intestine.

To remove this whitish deposit, you can also scrape your tongue with a langue that will also allow you to clean your tongue from food and bacteria residues.

It is therefore essential to monitor the color of your language to get an idea about your lifestyle, but also on your health.

Read also addicted to energy drinks, his language breaks down because of chemicals

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