Virus, pollution, fires ... why the mask left to stay


Should we expect the mask to be part of our daily life in the coming years and the next decades?Respiratory viruses, air pollution in major cities, fires but also aesthetic power: subject specialists highlight several reasons that argue for such a scenario.

Pablo Maillé- 28 janvier 2022#Pandemic#company

Twenty-four months ago, there was only a strange and disturbing object, sometimes associated with the worst science fiction dystopias, sometimes mocked by Western city dwellers when they spotted it on the face of Japanese tourists.Having become an essential element in the fight against the spread of the COVID-19, to the point of being now (partially)) made compulsory in most countries of the world, the mask is to anchor in our daily lives in the years andThe decades to come?Why is its generalization, at least in certain circumstances, very likely after the pandemic?Sanitary, atmospheric, climatic but also aesthetic: we have spotted at least four reasons which risk making this accessory a traveling companion of the society of tomorrow.

1 - because it allows you to protect yourself from other respiratory viruses

This is the main reason why wearing the mask could, according to some, anchor in our daily life beyond the pandemic.Like SARS-COV-2, the other respiratory viruses are transmitted because of the expression of suspended micro-waste, which contain viral particles.It is by coughing, sneezing or simply speaking in front of another person that the release of these viral particles occurs.Logically, the lens of the mask is to block the expression of these micro-drops in order to limit the risk of contagion.Flu, angina, rhinopharyngitis, bronchiolitis ... Many diseases are concerned, not to mention (possible)) other pandemics that we have in the coming decades.

In early 2021, a study by the Boston Medical Center (BMC)) highlighted a reduction of approximately 80 % of flu and other current viral respiratory infections in 2020, compared to similar periods in previous years.This partly thanks to the confinements and other drastic restriction measures acted to the four corners of the world, but also thanks to the establishment of physical distancing and the efficiency of masks, whose use was quickly generalized withinthe whole population.

What to push Jean Castex himself to recommend the extension (voluntary)) of the port of the mask, as he did in May 2021 in an interview with the Parisian: "[This] will undoubtedly be, in the future, a meansnatural protection beyond the COVID, estimated the Prime Minister.Obviously not permanently, compulsory, everywhere and all the time, as today.But it could enter into habits in the West, especially during winter flu period."With the CNN television channel, the special advisor to the White House Anthony Fauci did the same predictions a few months earlier, considering" possible "only" for a year or more, during certain seasons whereYou have respiratory viruses like the flu, people can choose to wear a mask to limit the spread of these diseases ”.

It remains to determine the type of appropriate mask depending on the circumstances.As a reminder, if the “homemade” masks in fabric and the mainstream masks of category 2 (see this summary)) are not completely banished in France, they can no longer be worn in business or at school, because theirefficiency is deemed insufficient.As part of the COVVI-19 epidemic, only Masks for the general public of category 1 (i.e. allowing filtration of at least 90 % of the particles of 3 microns emitted by the carrier)), the maskssurgicals and FFP2 or FFP3 masks are recommended by health authorities.Main difference between these three categories: the first two are intended to avoid projection towards the entourage of the droplets but do not protect against the inhalation of very small particles suspended in the air, where the masks of the FFP type protect noOnly against the inhalation of droplets, but also against the inhalation of particles suspended in the air.

"Masks that have the most efficiency are clearly the FFP2, even if they have a higher cost," sums up Yannick Simonin, lecturer in surveillance and study of emerging diseases at the University of Montpellier.In the future, one could imagine reserving them for fragile, immunocompromised people, or generalizing them during phases of very strong viral circulation as is the case right now with omicron.In the lull phase or for a "normal" winter, on the other hand, take the reflex to wear a surgical mask when you are sick should be enough.It is a small altruistic gesture that can be very effective, because we know that a benign virus in some can give rise to more serious forms in the most fragile.»»

Virus, pollution, incendies… Pourquoi le masque est parti pour rester

Seule objection soulevée par certains scientifiques, dont cet article de Futura Sciences se fait notamment l’écho : prévenir ainsi toutes les infections n’est pas nécessairement une bonne chose en soi « puisqu’en s’exposant aux microbes, on prépare le système immunitaire à de possibles infections»».In other words: to want to get overprot to, do we not risk becoming too intolerant at risk?"This is a balance to find, recognizes Yannick Simonin.For example, except for exceptional circumstances as at the moment, wearing the mask is not recommendable in children, because these need to be exposed to different viruses and pathogens: this is how their immune repertoire becomesas complete as possible.But the risk ratio is reversed when we get into age categories, especially in fragile people.»» Et le virologue de mettre en garde : « Quoi qu’il en soit, soyons clairs, si les masques protègent contre les maladies respiratoires, il ne faut pas imaginer qu’ils constituent la protection ultime contre toutes les infections – notamment via l’alimentation, les piqûres de moustiques, les morsures.»» Pas un bouclier magique, donc.

2 - Because it blocks certain fine particles during pollution peaks

Another advantage of the mask, in particular for the inhabitants of large urban metropolises: it can protect, at least in part, against air pollution.On condition, there again, to choose an adapted model, the inexpensive fabric masks protecting little against fine particles, in reverse of FFP2 masks, very effective against the particles in suspension PM2.5 or PM10, among theMore harmful to human health.

In winter, the accumulation of PM2.5 gives rise to particularly frequent pollution peaks in large cities, when the sources of pollutants are greater and under weather conditions during which they can accumulate (combustion caused byvehicle engines, biomass or coal for residential heating, agricultural activities, etc..)).Now "fine particles are, for the most part, even larger than viruses," said Véronique Riffault, professor of the Mines-Telecom Institute at IMT Northern Europe."If the FFP2 mask is effective against viruses, it is logical that it is also against this material.In public transport, for example, its generalization could be recommended for at least two reasons: on the one hand, because people are agglutinated against each other and therefore risk transmitting viruses;on the other hand, because the concentrations of fine particles are extremely important, in particular because of the braking phenomena.We would kill two birds with one stone.»» La pollution de l’air provoquant le décès prématuré d’environ 7 millions de personnes par an à l’échelle mondiale, certaines conséquences sanitaires – vieillissement accéléré des cellules, maladies cardio-vasculaires ou respiratoires, cancers du poumon… – pourraient alors être limitées.

In your opinion, the port of the mask will an anchor permanently in our daily life?

Certaines… mais pas toutes, prévient Richard E. Peltier, professeur en sciences de la santé environnementale à l’université d’Amherst Massachusetts. « Au-delà des particules fines, il est essentiel de souligner que la pollution de l’air implique tout un mélange de différents composants chimiques et de particules microscopiques de taille différente et qui peuvent varier dans le temps, écrit-il dans un article sur le sujet publié sur le site de The Conversation (…)) Dans les villes très polluées, les particules sont souvent bien plus fines que celles de 300 nanomètres, tout particulièrement celles émises près des voitures, des camions et des feux ouverts. Même les modèles N95 [équivalent américain du FFP2, ndlr] n’ont pas été conçus pour répondre à ce type de pollution traditionnelle.» D’où l’importance de mettre l’accent sur les politiques de lutte contre la pollution de l’air, notamment via l’instauration des « zones à faible émission»» (ZFE)), plutôt que sur celles visant à « faire avec»», insiste Véronique Riffault : « Comme il va y avoir de moins en moins de voitures roulant aux combustibles fossiles grâce à ces politiques, les centre-villes seront théoriquement plus propres dans 5 à 10 ans – à condition que d’autres sources problématiques comme le chauffage au bois ne viennent balayer les efforts consentis sur la pollution automobile. Il sera alors peut-être possible de laisser tomber le masque, en tout cas pour ce qui est de la pollution.»

3 - because it can also be useful during fires

Promising?Certainly.Except that by moving away from large metropolises, other risks resurface. La chose est moins connue, mais les particules PM2,5 évoquées plus haut (celles dont le diamètre est inférieur à 2,5 micromètres)) sont aussi celles que l’on retrouve dans les particules de fumée émises lors des feux de forêt.Again, wearing the FFP2 mask can therefore be useful when you are near a fire, in order to avoid the inhalation of certain substances that emerge from it. Encore plus poussé, des masques FFP3 équipés de filtres à charbon actif permettent de bloquer les gaz asphyxiants (les cyanures, l’hydrogène sulfuré et les oxydes de carbone entraînant une dépression du système nerveux central)) et irritants (le chlore et ses dérivés, les aldéhydes et les dérivés de l’azote entraînant des lésions caustiques des muqueuses respiratoires)) présents dans la fumée.

D’où cette recommandation des Centers for Disease Control and Prevention américains, qui ont mis à jour leur site officiel l’été dernier, en indiquant que « si les masques en tissu ne vous protégeront pas de la fumée des feux de forêt»», les masques FFP2 et plus « peuvent fournir une protection à la fois contre la fumée des feux de forêt et contre l’infection et la propagation du Covid-19»». À l’échelle locale, les autorités sanitaires californiennes, soumises à des épisodes de plus en plus intenses d’année en année, déconseillent elles aussi « les bandanas (humides ou secs)), les masques en papier ou chirurgicaux, ou les mouchoirs, car ceux-ci ne protégeront pas vos poumons des incendies de forêt»», préférant préconiser le port du FFP2 ou FFP3. Et ce afin d’éviter toute « irritation des yeux, du nez, de la gorge ou des poumons, zones qui peuvent être particulièrement sensibles si vous souffrez d’asthme, d’une maladie pulmonaire ou d’une maladie cardiaque»».

4 - Because it has already become an accessory like the others

Ultimate factor that may allow the generalization of the port of the mask tomorrow: its aesthetic dimension. Au-delà des facteurs scientifiques exposés jusqu’ici, il n’est en effet pas impossible que le masque soit d’ores et déjà devenu un accessoire du quotidien « comme les autres»», que l’on conserve toujours sur soi « au cas où»» – comme on porterait une écharpe en hiver ou une casquette en été.As we explained to you in an article published in the spring of 2020 on our site, the port of the mask has not been debated for a long time in certain countries of Asia: in South Korea or in China, for example, SMSare frequently sent by the authorities to recommend its use during pollution peaks, particularly frequent in winter, but the population generally does not even wait for these incentives to draw it - and decorate it, if necessary, various logos or patterns.

Relatively spared by air pollution, neighboring Japan is also one of the countries where it is most common to meet masked people, whether on the street or on social networks.Proof of this trivialization, according to the Japanese news site News Post Seven, in 2011, 30 % of tokyoes wearing a mask did ... for reasons other than sanitary.History does not say more about the nature of these reasons but note that, as part of a study just published in the Cognitive Research journal, British researchers asked 43 women to judge the beauty of agroup of men with or without mask ... and the best grades were given when the individual wore a surgical model.Proof that in Western countries too, the mask undoubtedly still has a bright future ahead of it.

Pablo Maillé- 28 janvier 2022Share on FacebookShare on Twitter

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