Do you think the worst suffering that a human being can endure is to get your little foot in the corner of the bed?FAKE !A man tested the worst pain in the world. Les YouTubeurs Hamish & Andy se sont rendus en Amazonie pour expérimenter une souffrance insoutenable.By placing his hands for a few seconds in braided gloves, the young man will experience untenable pain.The cause ?The gloves are filled with paraponera, ants nicknamed rifle ball due to the pain caused by their bite.Venom is overpowered and pain spreads in all the affected member.It can last up to 12 p.m..The bite of this ant causes the highest pain on the Schmidt scale, a scale identifying the bites of bees, wasps and the most painful ants on the planet.The second strongest pain is that of the Pepsis wasp.To see the video below, we don't want to meet one of these ants one day at all.
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