By Stéphanie Hourdeau published Lele Journal du Pays Yonnais see my news
Une infirmière, aujourd’hui retraitée, et une ancienne préparatrice en pharmacie d’un Ehpad de Vendée étaient convoquées à la barre du tribunal correctionnel de La Roche-sur-Yon, lundi 3 janvier.
Les deux femmes sont poursuivies pour homicide involontaire.
En 2016, une résidente de l’établissement, âgée de 86 ans, est décédée après avoir ingéré un médicament qui ne lui était pas prescrit.
The error, recognized by the two defendants, arrived at the time of the preparation of the pillors of the residents.
The protocol means that it is the preparers who ensure the "picking" of the drugs to fill the weekly by scrupulously following the prescriptions of the doctors of the doctors.
A nurse must then control the piluliers to avoid any error.
However, in October 2016, the worst occurred.
The preparer has confused two drugs.
Instead of taking the beta -lock adapted to the heart problems of the resident, she caught a neuroleptic to treat schizophrenia.
An error that she explains by the fact that the two boxes of tablets were "in the same drawer", that she had "similar boxes, coming from the same laboratory".
The preparer, also specifying "pressure" at work, adds that she was able to "be disturbed" when filling the pill.
Traumatized by the consequences of this error, the preparer has left this job that she had been working for more than 30 years.
Five days later, another nurse, who takes care of administering medication to the resident, finds it strange that one of the tablets must be crushed so that the elderly can ingest him.
The verification in order to see if it is the right product will finally reveal the error.
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An error that will be fatal to the resident, as the experts concluded.
The veil on this error was also lifted thanks to the insistence of the victim's girls.
The latter, who regularly passed their mother to the Ehpad, had found that she was not as usual.
On October 7, one of the girls failed to wake up her mother.
The next day, the other girl in turn visits her mother, and notes the same lethargic state, "sleepy which was not at all normal".
She too alerted the caregivers, as well as the director with whom she had an altercation.
"Our mother was not at the end of his life.She was lively, participated in many activities within the establishment.Seeing her so tired was not normal, "said one of the girls in front of the court.
Alongside the former preparer, the ex-infirmière must also answer for this manslaughter.Because it was she who was in charge of checking the pillors.
Very affected by this tragedy, and without minimizing his responsibility for a moment, the ex-nursing officer, however, underlined a "disorganization" within the establishment following a conflict concerning the control of these weekly and who was to return this task.
This dysfunction has been noted and is the subject of a reorganization within the EHPAD, so that this drama does not happen again.
And a new protocol to prepare the pillors has since been set up.
This "drawer error" has scared the prosecutor.
Faced with what he considers to be a "lack of imprudence", the magistrate required eight months suspended prison for the two women.
For defense lawyers, these women "are there to assume" but believe that they should not be the only ones to be before you.
The negligence noted are not only linked to these two defendants, "said one of the two advice, aimed in particular at the management of the establishment in which a dysfunction has been noted.
"It is a shared moral responsibility of the whole establishment".
And to conclude that this is the only error "in 40 years of experience" for this professional "who devoted himself to others all his life" before pleading for a dispensation of pain.
The court put the case under deliberation.
The judgment will be rendered on February 24.
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