Depuis le début de la campagne de rappel, 35 058 423 personnes ont reçu une dose de rappel2. En outre, depuis le début de la campagne de vaccination en France, 53 936 872personnes ont reçu au moins une injection (soit 80,0 % de la population totale1) et 52 645 499personnes ont désormais un schéma vaccinal complet (soit 78,1 % de la population totale).
[1] Avec l’ouverture de la vaccination aux 12-17 ans, le calcul du taux de vaccination de la population majeure évolue.The number of age-class injections being only available to D+1, we will now communicate the vaccination rate of the major population on J-1, weekly every Tuesday. Le taux de vaccination de la population totale n’est pas impacté, il est toujours donné quotidiennement donné à J-J[2] Le nombre d’injections de rappel est désormais disponible au jour J de manière quotidienne.
As a reminder, making appointments is possible: via the website with a pharmacist, a city doctor (general practitioner, specialist doctor, or occupational physician), in a nursing office or a midwife, in vaccination center, in your dental surgeon, in a laboratory of medical biology.Via the local devices made available to help meet an appointment case in difficulty, via the national green number (0 800 009 110) which allows to be redirected to the telephone standard of a center or to obtain aSupport for appointment.
From December 22, 2021, children aged 5 to 11 are eligible for vaccination.
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— Izzie Fri Jun 18 13:17:00 +0000 2021
The vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 is done primarily in vaccination centers with a pediatric line, at the attending physician or pediatrician (or other specialist), at his place of care.
In accordance with the various scientific opinions made since April 2021, the President of the Republic announced, on August 11, 2021, the launch of a recall campaign for anti-COVVID-19 vaccination From September 2021 forcertain particularly vulnerable priority populations.Since November 27, the recall campaign is now open to all major eligible people and eligibility for vaccination recall is lowered to 3 months after the full initial vaccine scheme.
From now on, as of January 24, all adolescents aged 12 to 17 are also eligible for the recall, six months after their full initial vaccination scheme.
Concretely, people who have been Primo vaccinated according to a two -doses pattern, will receive their dose of recall (or third dose) From three months after the second dose.
For immunocompromised patients, medical advice is recommended.People vaccinated with Janssen must receive an additional injection From 4 weeks after their vaccination, then a dose of recall From 3 months after the latter.
In case of infection after a first Janssen injection: less than 15 days later: people receive an additional dose From 4 weeks then a dose of recall From 3 months after the infection.More than 15 days later: people do not need to receive an additional dose and receive only a dose of recall From 3 months after the infection.People who had the COVVI-19 before their vaccination with Janssen receive a dose of recall From 4 weeks after their injection.
The recall must be made with a messenger RNA vaccine (pfizer or moderna) undifferentiated regardless of the vaccine used for primovaccination.Concretely, it is thus possible to receive Moderna as a reminder if one has been vaccinated with pfizer and vice versa.
The administration of this dose of recall in adolescents aged 12 to 17 only concerns the Pfizer Biontech vaccine, forms 12 years and more (Cumirnaty).
Contact presse : presse-dgs@health.gouv.Fr
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