To the lowest number of abortions in 25 years |Jdm

The abortions have decreased in Quebec since the start of the pandemic, so that 15,000 procedures should be done in 2021, unheard of for 25 years.

• Read also: "desperate" or "furious", many women leave Texas to abort

In 2020, 17,285 voluntary pregnancy interruptions (abortion) were carried out in Quebec, show data from the Quebec Health Insurance Régie (RAMQ).This is a decrease of 12 % compared to the previous year.

However, between January and June last, only 7,493 abortions were made.If the trend is maintained, the total will be even lower than last year.Never so few abortions have been recorded at RAMQ since 1996, for 25 years.

According to several experts, the drastic drop in social activities from the pandemic, including confinement and curfew, explains this assessment in large part.

"Clearly, we have seen a big decrease, reacts Patricia Larue, Director General of the Outaouais Women's Clinic.There have been fewer meetings, less rapprochements.Even the couples who lived with their parents were less.»»

Best contraception

Between 2009 and 2019, abortion were down sharply in Quebec (-19 %).Among the explanations, an increase in IUD installations, which allows better long -term contraception.

« Ce sont des statistiques qui nous réjouissent, au moins on a une baisse des grossesses non désirées»», dit la Dre Maude Gagnon, omnipraticienne spécialisée en santé de la femme.

Vers le plus faible nombre d’avortements en 25 ans | JDM

She emphasizes that 50 % of pregnancies are not planned in Canada, and that abortion is still difficult to live.

"Women have trouble, they don't want to relive that.[...] Que ce soit avant, pendant ou après, ça a des impacts qui ne sont pas banals sur la vie sociale et affective»», soutient la médecin de Québec.

For the past few months, several abortion clinics have noted an increase in demand.

No more distress

The stakeholders interviewed by the newspaper did not note broken abortion services during the pandemic, except perhaps in the distant region.However, psychological distress was sometimes greater.

"We have seen more women in a control situation by the partner.[...] There was domestic violence, a lot of anxiety and isolation. Il y avait moins de cas, mais c’était plus intense»», a noté Mme LaRue.

The number of women of childbearing age has also decreased for 20 years in Quebec.

Abortions in Quebec

Prescriptions of abortive pills

*To June 30.The figure could be revised upwards since doctors have until October 31 to send an invoice.

** September 5, 2021

Source: RAMQ

The abortive pill is shunned by women

The abortive pill still remains marginal in Quebec, while less than 5 % of women choose this option to put an end to a pregnancy, according to the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ).

The abortive pill was prescribed only 670 times in 2020, or 4 % of all voluntary pregnancy interruptions, according to RAMQ data.Note, however, that this data does not include the doses given to the hospital.

At home

Often recognized as a less invasive technique than curettage, the abortive pill is available before nine weeks of pregnancy.However, despite the risk of catching COVVI-19 in clinic, women have not turned to this option since last year.

However, the Association of Gynecologists of Quebec provided that this method would become the choice of predilection at the beginning of pregnancy, in 2019.

Photo courtoisiePatricia LaRue Directrice Clinique des femmes

"We explain the two methods and we leave the choice for women," says Micheline Dupuis, director of the abortion clinic the alternative.The pill is to choose to live it all by itself, there are more bleeding.»»

However, at the Outaouais women's clinic, the abortive pill was chosen by 22 % of women who wanted to end a pregnancy in 2020.

"This is a matter of supply and organization," believes Patricia Larue, director of the clinic.It's a good choice when it is well explained.»»

Not even offered

According to her, some establishments do not even offer this option, which explains its low use.However, it expects the pill to become more popular in the coming years.

Family doctors who want to prescribe it must undergo training, which constitutes a limit to its use.

Normally, the woman must undergo an ultrasound before having the pill (to confirm the advance of the pregnancy) then return to see her doctor.With the pandemic, several follow -ups were done on the phone.

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