The tonic lotion: why is it essential?


What is the tonic lotion, what is it for?

Often poorly used or considered "optional", the tonic lotion has many skin benefits. « C’est un produit à part entière, insiste Mi-Ryung Beilvert, Présidente & Fondatrice de Qiriness.It is used after make -up removal to complete the cleaning of the skin gently ".But the virtues of the tonic lotion do not stop there."It also purifies the epidermis by getting rid of dead skin, which allows serum or cream to penetrate better and be even more effective," continues our expert.And to add: "Take a dry sponge.If you try to put dishwashing products on it, it will not penetrate.In order for the product to be well absorbed, it is necessary to wet the sponge.Well with the skin, it's the same!The tonic lotion will hydrate the skin so that it is more receptive to subsequent care ".Sip of water, the skin is gaining vitality and then finds all its brightness.

The tonic lotion, morning + evening?

Yes !If the skin has to fill up in hydration in the evening, after being attacked by makeup or pollution, it must also be cleaned in the morning."Some women still ignore that our secret skin of sebum and toxins during the night," says mid-day.It is therefore essential to clean it up before applying his care.»»

Can we apply a tonic lotion if you have dry or sensitive skin?

A few years ago, most tonic lotions contained alcohol, which could attack or dry out the skin.But faced with the new expectations of consumers, who scrutinize the compositions closely, more and more brands have replaced alcohol with ingredients of plant origin. « Pour obtenir la sensation de fraîcheur créée par l’alcool, on utilise par exemple de la menthe ou de l’hamamélis dont les vertus astringentes permettent de resserrer les pores et d’affiner le grain de peau»», explique notre passionnée de cosmétologie.Suddenly, no contraindications for sensitive or dehydrated skin?"The ranges have expanded," explains mid-ki-rég Beilvert.Just choose your lotion according to your skin type. Si l’on a la peau sensible, mieux vaut privilégier des ingrédients tels que la camomille ou l’extrait de l’huile de camélia qui protège la peau de façon à ce que l’eau ne s’évapore pas»». Et d’ajouter : « Certaines lotions, comme la Exquisite lotion of Qiriness, se démarquent par leurs galéniques gélifiées qui peuvent directement être appliquées avec la paume de la main pour éviter le frottement du coton»».

Tonic lotion and scrub do they go hand in hand?

La lotion tonique : pourquoi est-elle indispensable ?

"This is inseparable," says the founder of Qiriness.Before making a scrub, it is imperative that the skin is clean and ready to receive the care.I also recommend rinsing your scrub with a lotion rather than with water to preserve the epidermis as much as possible.»»

How to apply your tonic lotion?

Si on l’applique à la main : de l’intérieur vers l’extérieur, on commence par étaler le produit en effleurant la peau puis on tapote en créant un effet ventouse pour oxygéner l’épiderme et lui permettre de bien absorber le produit.

Si on l’applique avec un coton : de l’intérieur vers l’extérieur, on effectue des mini-tapotements en faisant légèrement glisser le coton pour stimuler la peau sans la râper.

Exquisite lotion of Qiriness

© Qiriness Prix : 23,90 €ACHETER

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© Caudalie Prix : 14,20 €ACHETER

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© Clarins Prix : 22,50 €ACHETER

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©Lancôme Prix : 23,50 €ACHETER

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© CodagePrix : 40 €ACHETER

Tonic lotion Ready Steady Glow of Ren Skincare

© Ren Skincare Prix : 32 €ACHETER

Purifying aqua Magnifica de Sanoflore lotion

© Sanoflore Prix : 15,40 €ACHETER

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© Olivier Claire Prix : 72 €ACHETER

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© La Rosée Prix : 16,90 €ACHETER

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