Yuen Kwok-Yung, recognized Hong Kong expert in coronavirus, is formal: to fight against the epidemic, the wearing of the universal mask is essential.And to prove it, he tested the facial protection device on hamsters, in one of the first studies which aims to demonstrate its effectiveness to reduce the propagation of the COVID-19.
The researchers thus infected small animals, which they placed near healthy specimens, in cages.They attached surgical masks on the walls of the two cages, with an air flow ranging from sick hamsters to healthy hamsters.Result: the transmission of the virus was reduced by more than 60 % when the masks were in place, reports AFP, and two thirds of healthy guinea pigs fell ill in one week when they were not in place.In addition, scientists noted an infection rate of 15 % when facial protections were arranged on the cage of sick animals, and 35 % when they were installed on that of healthy hamsters.
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— tyler Sat Apr 05 03:43:39 +0000 2014
Translation: It is when you are infected that the mask is most effective.Only as Yuen Kwok-Yung specifies, everyone cannot certify whether or not he carries COVID-19."It is very clear that using masks on infected subjects (...) is more important than anything else," he insisted with journalists."We now know that a large part of infected people have no symptoms, so the universal port of the mask is really important."
Among the 7.5 million living in Hong Kong, the number of cases listed only a thousand, for four deaths.A relatively low figure which would be due to compliance with wearing the mask, test campaigns and tracing, according to experts.
In France, if the government has not spoken for a widespread port of the mask outside public transport (it is recommended in public space, but not compulsory), the Academy of National Medicine has assured it, inA press release entitled "To citizen masks!", That, "in the absence of an effective vaccine and medication against the SARS-COV-2, the only means of struggle is to prevent the transmission of the virus from person to person", andSo to cover your mouth and nose with a mask, "in order to limit the risk of direct transmission of the virus by the droplets projected during the word, the cough and the sneezing".There is no more.
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