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Like every Sunday, we offer a Recap ‘of the weekend news in the English Channel.
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Info to remember
COVID-19.In a few days, the incidence rate almost doubled in the Mancheselon the regional health agency of Normandy, the incidence rate was set this December 31, 2021 to 598.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.Almost twice as three days.
Manche: two houses ravaged by fires in the night fire ravaged houses, a few minutes apart, on the night of December 31, 2021 on January 1, 2022 in Saint-Lô (Manche).
Cherbourg-en-Cotentin: They watched over us during the New Anpoliciers, gendarmes, taxi drivers but also firefighters.All were mobilized on the night of December 31 to January 1 in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche).
Cherbourg.The unusual first names given to children born in 2021 compound names, common name or even royal first names ... Parents sometimes do not lack inventiveness to give their child a first name.Florilège in Cherbourg (Manche).
Cherbourg.What were the most popular first names in 2021? There were more than 1,700 births during the year 2021 in Cherbourg (Manche)!But what are the first names that have been the most popular?
The predictions of a Cotentin clairvoyant for the year 2022 Pandemia, Politics, Social, Ecology, Sports ... Odile Robert, Medium installed in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche), shares her predictions for the year 2022.
Portraits.Cotentin: baker and farmer, they were not unemployed on January 1! Respectively baker and farmer in the Cotentin, Sébastien and Pierre were on the bridge this Saturday, January 1, 2022. Meetings.
Sleeve.Five young people isolated by the tide in the bay of Mont Saint-Michelcinq Young people were isolated by the tide in the bay of Mont Saint-Michel (Manche), this Saturday, January 1, 2022. Many help was deployed.
The Channel deploys digital advisers in the department of more and more services being dematerialized, the Channel hired digital advisers, to help those who experience the need to learn of the Internet.
Le Cotentin, in the top 10 of the most beautiful reports of Le Figaro in 2021 the newspaper Le Figaro published, this December 29, the 10 most beautiful reports of the year 2021. The one in the Cotentin is one of them, alongside Tanzania andfrom Sudan.
THE IMAGE.Cherbourg: courageous faithful to the traditional New Anune bath of bathers were present this Saturday, January 1, 2022 morning in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche), for the traditional New Year's Bath.
Mont-Saint-Michel has lost residents since the installation of the Passerelleselon L’INEE bridge, between 2013 and 2019, Mont-Saint-Michel lost 5.6 % of its inhabitants.In question: the installation of the bridge bridge.On the rock, everyday life is special.
Dakar 2022. Thunderbolt for the Team of the Channel MD Rallye Sport! While the prologue of the Rally Dakar 2022 was held this Saturday, January 1, one of the crews of the Man Channel MD Rallye Sport could not takedeparture…
Nuclear.International experts at the EPR in Flamanvilleune a delegation of experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency came in December 2021 to the Flamanville EPR, to assess progress on a specific theme.
Cotentin.Their resolutions for the year 2022A the opportunity of this beginning of 2022, we went this Saturday, January 1 to meet several residents of Cotentin to ask them for their resolutions.
Soccer.Former Avranches player, Azzedine Ounahi becomes a holder in the 1 -field Ligue 1 Azzedine Ounahi, who played Avranches last season, is now a holder in Ligue 1 with Angers.Zoom in figures on this amazing start to the season.
Cherbourg: A few days after its reopening, the bar Le Narval is already a hit! Barely after having resumed the bar Le Narval, in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche), Camille and Maxime Levallois are already very successful!
Manche: For the Epiphany, the bakers are mobilizing for the firefighters from January 2, 2022, the 2022 epiphany operation will start in around fifty bakeries in the Manche.Collection beans, in the colors of the firefighters, will sell.
Cotentin: At 25, Océane opens her first hair salon Lejuez opened, at 25, his first hair salon called the Océane lounge in the Hague (Manche).
Cotentin.They create an association to help their friend, champion of Traill’Association Normandie Trail was created for the Carentan trailer (Manche) Yannick Noël, a big champion, to help him participate in several races.
Nuclear: employee at Naval Group, Coralie Godard awarded for her work Prix Win France Region was won this year by Coralie Godard, a Cotentinoise who works at Naval Group, for her application in nuclear.
Granville: The dates of the flea markets for 2022 were fixed your agendas: the 2022 calendar of the flea markets of Granville and Jullouville (Manche) is out.They continue in Granville every month, and twice this summer on the coast.
How to respond to backhanded compliments and other passive-aggressive comments at work #backhanded accomplice…
— Dan O'Connor Sat Dec 15 23:18:41 +0000 2018
Sourdeval: Sée hikers organize fourteen hikes in 2022Lors of its general association in Sourdeval (Manche), on December 10, 2021, the Sée hikers association set the 2022 output program.
Pierre Gouault, a former runner from Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët who became coach of AG2R Citroën U19originaire de Parigny, the former Manchois runner Pierre Gouault has become the coach and the sports director of Team Ag2r Citroën U19.
Cotentin: Numerous maintenance works on the beaches of this commune the occasion of the municipal council, on December 16, 2021, the elected officials of Barneville-Carteret (Manche) addressed the numerous maintenance works provided for on the beaches.
Manche: Several injured on the roads on the evening of December 31, more accident occurred on the roads of the Channel, in the evening of this Friday, December 31, 2021. Several victims were sent to the hospital.
Cotentin.Régis wins the only lot put into play: a car! Régis Benoist, a resident of Saint-Jacques-de-Néhou (Manche) won the jackpot in a game organized by the Valognes traders.A Citroën C1!
Cotentin: By helping the children, the association continues the action of its president who died a year after the death of the president of the friends of Toussiana, Bruno Le Cageux, the association continues to help the children in their schooling.
Cotentin: Twelve young people create a business to regain confidence in themdouze young people have created a mini-business, Equibachéco.On December 17, they were at the Cotentin MEF to sell their products.Met.
Athletics.The Manchois assessment: the background and the middle distance at the top of the displayed this start of the year, we offer a review of the Manchois athletes in Normandy.Men today.The background and the middle distance are at the top of the poster!
Former breeder, Cyril sells local meat on the markets on the cotentine local meat in our Cotentin markets!This is what Cyril Hamel, a former cattle breeder who converted to the sale, offers.
Cotentin: A sports club awarded for its action in favor of the handicap storage section of the Sael in Montebourg (Manche) was awarded the Norm’Handi label.A real recognition for the club, which allows disability sport.
VIDEO.Cotentin: A fisherman comes face to face with dolphins a fisherman from Cherbourg (Manche) made the unforgettable meeting, this December 29, of several dolphins.He did not fail to share images on social networks.
THE IMAGE.Thierry crosses a seal in a port of the Cotentinthierry, a resident of the Pieux (Manche), met this Thursday, December 30, 2021 in the port of Dielette of a seal!He obviously immortalized the moment.
Manche: Young college student, Eugénie is already involved in the life of the Department of Houyvet, a 14 -year -old schoolboy in Valognes (Manche), is already involved in the life of the territory.She is a member of the Departmental Youth Council.
With her mountain bike without saddle, she climbs the walls and trunks of full-fougèresTle mountain bikes is for Cécila Bourel, a family story.At 15, this teenager in full-fougères finishes third young woman from the French Trial VTT Cup.
Cotentin: In this town, the houses light up by tens! More and more houses are decorated for the end of years celebrations in Montebourg (Manche).The results of the competition were unveiled on December 22, 2021.
Manche: two women transported to hospital after accident accidents occurred in the afternoon of this Saturday, January 1, 2022, on the roads of the Channel.Two women, 20 and 68, were transported to hospital.
Cotentin.A state -of -the -art washing station a washing station is currently under construction in Valognes (Manche).Its opening is scheduled for April or May 2022.
Cotentin.Soon a pylon to improve the mobile network of the commune a future pylon of radiotelephonia, 42 meters high, will be built in Saussemesnil-Ruffosses (Manche).
Best-of.The beautiful stories that marked the year 2021 in the Manchevantly Manche, there was not only the COVVI-19 in our columns during the year 2021!Here are beautiful stories that will have marked the news in the Channel.
Cherbourg.Apprentice masons happy to start their training! Twelve young people began, at the AFPA in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche), a training of tilers.They are delighted to be able to seize the truelles!
Cotentin: volunteers restore the heritage of their communes volunteers, attached to the local heritage, have completely restored the three oratories of the commune of Carneville, in the Manche.
Motorbike.Cotentin prodigy, Nany Gomes meets the French pilot Johann Zarcolicicese at the Hague club (Manche), the young Nany Gomes was recently on an internship with the French Hopes team.He occasionally met driver Johann Zarco.
From the awakening mornings to Landivy from January 2022 from January 2022, parents-child workshops from 0 to 3 years old will be offered in the commune of Gorron, and alternately on Landivy and Ambrières-les-Vallées.
Athletics.Originally from Cotentin, Elise Levél perfected in the Souliselise Levéel states, a young athlete from Carentan (Manche), left to live in Charleston in the United States for a year.
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