The three objectives of the national strategy against endometriosis

Emmanuel Macron a lancé ce 11 janvier les travaux relatifs à la stratégie nationale de lutte contre l’endométriose en faisant de la reconnaissance et de la prise en charge de cette maladie une priorité nationale. Cette dernière se fondera sur trois axes : investir dans la recherche, faire progresser l’accès aux soins et au diagnostic sur tout le territoire et améliorer la connaissance du public et des professionnels sur la maladie.Les trois objectifs de la stratégie nationale contre l'endométriose Les trois objectifs de la stratégie nationale contre l'endométriose

Improved research, early management and better information from the general public.These are in summary the three main axes of the national strategy to combat endometriosis launched by Emmanuel Macron on January 11.With these words pronounced by the president: “It is not a problem of women, it is a social problem.The objective is therefore to make better known, diagnose and take care of this disabling and painful disease which affects 1 in 10 women, about 2 million people in France.Endometriosis is an inflammatory and chronic disease of the female genital system which is explained by the development of a uterine mucosa (the endometrium)) outside the uterus, colonizing other organs (peritoneum, ovary, trompe...)).

First cause of infertility in France, it remains poorly known by society, health professionals, and the world of research.People who suffer from it thus see their quality of life affected in their working environment, in their personal life and in their intimate life, without the health system being currently being offered to all an appropriate response.In the spring of 2021, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran had entrusted Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, European deputy and doctor of gynecology, the development of a report of proposals for a national strategy against endometriosis."These consultation works have given rise to a rich report of more than 150 concrete short and medium -term proposals."Explains the ministry on this subject.

A diagnostic wandering of seven years on average

It is this report submitted to Emmanuel Macron which therefore designates three priority actions within the framework of this national strategy led by Olivier Véran.The first is to understand endometriosis, causes and consequences by the launch of a national research program."In addition, based on the 6 national cohorts, the largest epidemiological database in the world dedicated to the disease will be formed and will be able to serve as a basis for numerous national and international epidemiological studies."Specifies the Ministry of Health.The second priority is to mark out the diagnostic and care route: allowing access to the entire territory quickly to a reliable and rapid diagnosis followed by quality management.

Les trois objectifs de la stratégie nationale contre l'endométriose

Car actuellement, le constat est sans appel : l’errance de diagnostic est en moyenne de sept ans (voire 10 ans selon une étude ComPaRe Endométriose présentéee eb octobre 2021)), ce qui provoque un vrai retard dans la prise en charge.On this subject, the ministry stresses that "territorial sectors specific to endometriosis will develop in each region under the aegis of regional health agencies (ARS)).They will make it possible to inform, to form, to organize the diagnosis, to take care of and if necessary to direct surgical centers.It will be concretely a question of setting up a center of appeal and expertise identified by region which will serve as a training center and dissemination of knowledge in the city and in the hospital, and this in connection with the associative fabric.

Better inform women in all walks of life

Finally, the increase in knowledge on endometriosis to the entire French population is the third emergency, as the impact of the disease on the daily lives of many women is important.To do this, the Ministry of Health wishes to create a "endometriosis reflex" with all audiences, whether in school, university, home, office, and in medical environments, to make the better knowndisease, and better use the available treatments."This better knowledge of the general public will be possible thanks to the involvement of associations, ambassadors and patients expert in the disease.He believes.Likewise, endometriosis must become an initial and continuous priority of health professionals.

It is on this specific point that insists the Endomind association, which considers on its site that "we are faced with a cruel lack of sufficiently trained professionals and able to diagnose and follow the large number of patients affected.This considerably impacts the deadlines and quality of the care of patients who are wandering and must make many trips to access correct management."If it salutes the integration of the theme in the course of medical students, it is essential according to her that health professionals already in activity can also train.The association also welcomes the launch of a national information campaign for the general public, in particular adolescent girls.

In order to implement these proposals, Minister Olivier Véran will bring together on February 14 a national steering committee which will bring together ministries (Education,...)), doctors, researchers, associations and expert patients.For Endomind, "the announcement of this strategy represents the realization of years of hard work to make the voices of patients heard but also of intense months of collaborative work during which we mobilized so that this strategy does not deviate from soundpriority objective of helping millions of people affected by this disease."She nevertheless says she is vigilant that the appropriate means are allocated to all of these" ambitious "measures, and while waiting to know the budget which will be allocated to this plan.

On video: it's in the news: endometriosis, a national priority

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