Exercise modes
This article is part of the file:
International exercise
On the side of Europe
African adventure
With our Quebec neighbors
American adventure
Asia online in sight
Oceania is also possible
Care design through the world
The International Nursing Council (CII)
The International Secretariat of Nurses in the French -speaking space (SIDIIEF)
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While in France, the practical practice in nursing is still awaiting the finalization of its implementing decree, in Quebec, the specialized practitioner nurses have obtained an enlargement of their skills and will now be able to initiate treatments in several chronic current pathologies.This new regulatory framework is the result of a diligent collaboration between the Order of Nurses of Quebec and the College of Doctors of Quebec.
The Order of Nurses of Quebec (OIIQ) and the College of Doctors of Quebec (CMQ) have collaborated for a regulatory overhaul in order to optimize the role of specialized practitioners or IPS.These reforms provide in particular that first -line IPS may initiate treatments for six major chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, COPD and hypothyroidism.The goal is to facilitate cooperation between IPS and partner doctors in order to better meet the health needs of the population.
A practice in full evolution
In addition, the new regulatory supervision provides for the creation of three specialty classes: adults, pediatrics and mental health.Two other classes of specialties already established have also been improved in particular via the expansion of IPS practices to youth centers and long -term care accommodation centers (CHSLD). Cette avancée considérable assurera un meilleur accès au soins pour tous, y compris pour les plus vulnérables. L'OIIQ veillera à ce que ces IPS puissent exercer dans des conditions qui respectent de façon optimale l'étendue de leur champ de compétences
, souligne Lucie Tremblay, présidente de l'Ordre infirmier du Québec.
In addition, in order to provide the flexibility required to the regulatory framework and to adjust the clinical practice of IPS to the evolution of knowledge, their intervention will no longer be limited to a list of drugs, to rules of medication use orto rules of medical care.
The importance of a collaboration
These reforms are important because IPS, in view of their skills, has key expertise and can be professionally independently.This is why they play a major role in the development of a patient -centered care offer through a concrete collaboration with other health professionals, especially doctors. Le Collège des médecins est heureux des avancées faites pour une reconnaissance élargie des IPS.The new activities they exercise are another example of a beneficial interprofessional collaboration for the patient, for the care team and for the health system. Le Collège des médecins et l'OIIQ travailleront de concert afin de s'assurer de la qualité des soins médicaux rendus par leurs membres respectifs
, précise le Dr Charles Bernard, président-directeur général du CMQ.
Indeed, it is also planned to set up a committee made up of representatives of the two professional orders as well as nurses specialized practitioners and doctors.The aim will be to monitor the evolution of this practice.Thus, the IPS have seen their field of skills expand in Quebec at a time when, in France, the nurses in advanced practice (IPA) are still waiting for a decree that will frame their exercise.
Roxane Curtt Nursing Journalist.Com Roxane.Curtt@nurses.com@roxane0706
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