At the beginning of 2022, what could be more normal than taking stock of the past months and projecting yourself around the coming months!This is an exercise to which all mayors are broken.And Francis Garcia did not escape it, quite the contrary, putting the finger there where it hurts.And to list the angry things: the financial difficulties that the municipalities experience, the abolition of the housing tax, the reduction of the solidarity allowance paid by the agglomeration as well as the abolition of the issuance ofBuild (€ 60,000)..A current situation until today recognized as well managed by the services of the Court of Auditors (on several occasions) and which allows it to carry out municipal policy.
And to recall two events marked in red ink.An unimaginable flood and never seen in passing where we will see up to almost 1.80 m of water in the cellars and this in districts located in height such as Ganet or Dolmayrac, never impacted by floods!
And how not to recall the accident which destroyed the first part of the bridge which also caused many damage to Agen and Passageois among others, despite a very rapid coordinated reaction of the services concerned (municipality and state serviceswho, in a few days, knew how to allow a free shuttle the same day and the provisional repair of the bridge """"""""""""""""specified the first magistrate.
Once page 2021 is definitively shot, Francis Garcia projected himself on 2022 by announcing the expansion of the Plicommunal Health Center with """"""""""""""""a larger space per firm and the creation of two additional firms.""""""""""""""""
Et de poursuivre : """"""""""""""""Un ascenseur sera installé à l’ex-emplacement des Restos du cœur avec un début des travaux en février.""""""""""""""""
Et de faire une priorité quant à la """"""""""""""""lutte contre l’isolement des personnes âgées en partenariat avec l’association les Petits Frères des pauvres"""""""""""""""", mais aussi """"""""""""""""la lutte contre la violence faite aux femmes, avec un logement mis à disposition par le CCAS en collaboration avec les bailleurs sociaux avant une mesure d’accompagnement collectif et son suivi.""""""""""""""""
The development of participatory democracy is self -evident but also of the pursuit of green policy
avec """"""""""""""""l’aménagement des espaces verts véritables îlots de fraicheur (baisse de 3 à 4 degré de température), le fleurissement du parc paysager des maisons éclusières, l’ouverture de la promenade des poètes (rue V.-Duruy, crossing route de Nérac, greenway of Brax finally avenue des Pyrénées to the canal.""""""""""""""""
The goal is to create a green space in each district.
Au Passage-d’Agen, Francis Garcia inscrit l’année 2022 globalement dans """"""""""""""""la continuité d’une politique verte et d’une politique solidaire"""""""""""""""".
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