News of the week (January 21 to 28, 2022) thread Twitter

Blanquer's balance sheet

Has the high school reform improved post-baccalaureate orientation?

The first generation resulting from the baccalaureate reform is not immune to inequality. This is shown by the data published by the Ministry of Higher Education and the report by Inspectors General Mélanie Caillot and Olivier Sidokpohou. Maths, reduced to math-physics specialties, continues to dominate elite training. The former ES option maths is the royal road to business schools. Scholarship holders find themselves in the least sought-after sectors. If for Caroline Pascal, head of the General Inspectorate, "the reform is very well understood by the students. They make choices consistent with their training project", the new world is very similar to the old one.

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New protocol, new health policy...

Without saying so, the government has changed its health policy. This is what emerges from the first tripartite meeting between the unions, the ministry and the Ministry of Health. The president of the High Council for Public Health believes that it is no longer possible to stop the epidemic with Omicron and that we must learn to live with it. The relaxation of the protocol announced for February 2 and that which took place at the start of the school year are explained by this new policy which, until then, had been silent. A new version of the protocol inscribes the vaccination pass in the lives of students and deals with staff self-tests.

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Covid: Government announcements are worrying

What drives the government to further lighten the protocol on February 2? Jean Castex's announcements on January 20 look like a headlong rush justified more by the political calendar, and a possible candidacy of E Macron, than by the health situation. This is still very serious. Enough for the Covid Scientific Council to distance itself from the government. And that the unions warn against removing the mask too early at school.

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J. Castex announces a relaxation of the protocol in February

So far nothing has changed. While acknowledging "difficulties" in the application of the protocol in schools, Jean Castex announced on January 20 a reduction in the start of the school year in February. Wearing a mask will no longer be required in elementary school and the number of tests to be carried out when there is a contact case could change. The current protocol will therefore remain valid until the February holidays.

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The Grand Est region is tackling the issue of air quality in its high schools

The Grand Est region announces the delivery in mid-February of 1,300 "semi-connected" sensors to its high schools. Connected sensors will follow, allowing a greater number of ambient parameters to be recorded in the premises, but the number and timing of which have not been announced. These tools will make it possible to identify all the parameters and the main potential pollutants (including volatile organic compounds). "Smart" connected sensors will also allow consultation, remote management and regular use of a complete database of measurements taken on the various comfort and indoor air quality parameters, in particular in situation of pedagogical operation and activity of the establishments". It should be noted that the law of July 12, 2010 on the national commitment to the environment has made it compulsory to monitor the quality of indoor air in establishments receiving a sensitive public. By the decree of August 17, 2015, deadlines were set for carrying out this monitoring: January 1, 2018 for nursery and elementary schools, January 1, 2020 for middle and high schools. However, despite the health crisis and the injunctions to air these decrees have remained a dead letter. Finally the pandemic leads a region, in terms that remain to be clarified, to start applying the 2010 law. which hinders the distribution of Co2 sensors. The sensors highlight the insufficient renewal of the air in many school premises with the risks currently linked to covid but also the health and school fallout in a normal year.

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Departmental Policy

January 20: Determined teachers in the streets

"I'm here because the school is suffering". A school teacher, Jeanne "can't do it anymore" for lack of means. Mathilde, a French teacher, also deplores the lack of resources. While the demonstrators largely embroider on the theme of Ibiza, it is not the casualness of the minister who mobilizes them. What leads them to this second day of strike is the great misery of the school, exposed by the health crisis.

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January 27 strike: Word to the teachers

Thursday, February 27, was a day of interprofessional strike in the public service. While the ministry announced a little less than 9% of strikers among teachers and teachers, the SNUipp-FSU mentioned 20% in the first degree, and the SNES, 30% for the second degree. Despite a smaller number of strikers, the dissatisfaction of the teachers does not seem to be denied.

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High school: Specialty tests postponed

The ministry announces the postponement of the specialty tests from May 11 to 13 with the same program as that of March. In Parcoursup the specialty marks will be replaced by the averages of 1st and final. Two review days will be released. The language certification tests are canceled and the number of subjects for the EAF is reduced. S Vénétitay, secretary general of Snes Fsu, tells us "his relief" and credits the mobilization of recent days with the postponement. The PFMP in vocational high school are reduced.

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The news of the week (from January 21 to 28, 2022) Twitter feed

Ministry prepares new college CME curriculum

"I believe that it is urgent to return to a classic civic education where we are not fighting against all the ills of society". Heard on January 25 by the Citizen Culture Information Mission of the Senate, Souâd Aayada, President of the Higher Program Council (CSP) drew the main lines of a reform of moral and civic education (EMC) in middle school. . This return to civic education, a term that disappeared in 1985, is for S. Ayada the return of knowledge against debate. She also criticizes the current themes of the program such as the diversity of affiliations or the tensioning of republican values ​​or even a secularism identified with freedom of conscience. This reactionary program is unlikely to see the light of day both because of the timing and the cost of such a change.

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The CGT calls for a day of action on February 1

"The National Education staff again mobilized very widely this Thursday, January 27 to demand salary increases and the creation of statutory positions", writes the Cgt Education. “Staff also demand that the government put an immediate end to the downgrading they have suffered for decades and which is reflected in some of the lowest salaries in OECD countries. Thus, with the CGT Éduc'action, the staff of National Education still demand an immediate increase of €400 for all. union repression in the academy of Clermont-Ferrand".

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Outdated self-tests: The ministry fires pharmacy staff

"Some feedback from schools and establishments has reported in recent weeks that self-tests have been received at the end of their validity period or have expired", writes the ministry in a press release which does not deny the reality. “As a reminder, the self-tests were acquired, then distributed to establishments in April and May 2021. Supplies, in smaller volumes, continued after the start of the school year in September 2021. The expiry dates for these self-tests were between January 2022 and April 2023". At least it's clear: the ministry does not deny delivering expired or near-expired self-tests. But it does not matter because the distribution will change. "For the rest of the school year, the distribution of self-tests is based on the network of pharmacies. Staff working in contact with students in schools and educational establishments (staff from national education and local authorities) can obtain free self-tests in pharmacies. Upon presentation of a professional certificate and an identity document, each beneficiary will be issued a batch of self-tests up to 10 self-tests per month."

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Mathematics associations warn about gender inequalities

"The high school reform has considerably aggravated the inequalities between girls and boys in mathematical training in the general stream", denounce in a press release the APMEP, the Irem, the CFEM, the SMF and other professional associations. "While the proportion of girls in terminale S has been progressing steadily since 1994, the proportion of girls in mathematics specialty teaching in terminale has fallen below the level of 1994, falling by nearly 8 points after 2 years of implementation. place of the reform. Thus, only 25% of girls in 2021 have a mathematics education of more than 6 hours per week compared to 45% before the reform. This dropout is even more edifying in first general, where? almost half of the girls give up mathematics at the end of the second in 2021, whereas they were until 2018 approximately 83% to pursue a teaching of mathematics". The associations fear for the future of the girls but also of the country. "It seems unreasonable to us on the part of politicians to continue to consider, as it has been communicated on different occasions(9), that mathematics can be reserved for motivated students only, at an age where choices can be n have little connection to future direction. At this age, young people, and especially girls, are more prone to biases of all kinds. They would need more time to solidify their choice. The effect ultra-elitist caused by the absence of mathematics from the common core and the restriction of disciplinary choices in first year therefore induce a major imbalance between girls and boys that we had unfortunately announced".

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The bashing teacher and the users

On the eve of its congress in Metz, from January 31 to February 4, the FSU lifts the veil on an Ipsos survey carried out among 1,500 civil servants. According to this survey, 53% of civil servants (all public functions) believe that anti-civil servant discourse is the primary cause of difficulties with users. Among teachers, the rate rises to 77%. The second cause of difficulties with users are working conditions.

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Marseille: The renovation plan is taking shape

"It is decided to create the public company for development of national interest "Société publique des écoles marseillaises" and the subscription by the State of 75,000 euros to the capital of this company in the process of being set up, i.e. 75 shares of 1,000 euros each". The decree was published in the Official Journal of January 26. This company, co-managed with the city of Marseille, will be responsible for renovating 174 schools in Marseille. A prefect in charge of the plan has been appointed. And a credit of 254 million was adopted by the National Assembly as part of the 2022 Finance Law. On October 11, the Town Hall presented a school renovation plan of 1.2 billion.

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Claude Lelièvre: The black hussars badly placed to win the revenue war

"Will primary school teachers be able to unravel the double trap in which they risk being caught: the problem of "working more to earn more" (which can only concern them quite marginally) and that , recurring, to be ''dedicated to devoting themselves'' as good little soldiers, as revered "black hussars of the Republic"?", asks C Lelièvre on his blog. He recalls that E Macron wants to link revaluation to the evolution of the profession. And that in 1870 already French teachers earned half as much as Germans..

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The SNU, not so universal...

Do the three objectives set for Universal National Service (UNS) have a chance of being achieved? It is, recalls the INJEP which publishes a study on the implementation of the UNS, the "strengthening of national cohesion through the experience of social and territorial diversity within the same age group", the "development of a culture of commitment" and "support for the social and professional integration of young people". But what the study of young volunteers shows is that they have "a specific profile". Far from being this mix of young people from different backgrounds, the young people of the SNU are 78% educated in general and technological high schools, "the professional sectors being strongly under-represented". Children of uniformed corps are over-represented: 37% say they have a parent who worked in one of these corps. Only 4% reside in a city policy district, half the national average (8%). They appreciate the "republican rites" that is to say the raising of the colors...

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This is not a letter of remonstrance

On January 18, a director of La Rochelle received a "letter of remonstrance" from the Dasen of Charente Maritime, Annick Baillou. This letter was sent "following the expression in the local daily press of a personal opinion on the management of the health crisis in National Education". In the article in question she showed the difficulties encountered by a director in the application of the protocol. “I remind you that the regulatory obligations of civil servants give you the obligation of neutrality and reserve,” continued Dasen. Questioned by the Educational Café, the rectorate of Poitiers returns to all this. “The subject is not the expression in a media”, told us the rectorate, “and this letter is in no way a censorship and a sanction”. It is just “a call to order” . According to the rectorate, what the director is accused of is only having spoken to the journalist in the school premises without authorization. In front of the school it wouldn't have been a problem. As for the "letter of remonstrance" it will not appear in the administrative file of the director.

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An inter-union demonstration on 27 against the 3DS law

A large inter-union, bringing together the CGT, FO, the FSU, the SGEN CFDT, the UNSA, Sud and the Snacl, calls for a rally on January 27 in front of the Senate on the occasion of the meeting of the joint committee on the 3DS law. This law gives functional authority to local authorities over the managers of educational establishments.

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APMEP requests a parliamentary mission on maths education

"Here are some points that particularly alarm us: the vocational high school and the restriction of mathematics to professional applications; the reduction in the offer and diversity of mathematics in the general and technological high school; the continuous decline in our results in the evaluations international organizations; the increase in inequalities in academic success; the recruitment and training of mathematics teachers", writes Sébastien Planchenault, president of Apmep, an association of mathematics teachers. "These warning signs show the need to act and to take into account in the national education policy the opinions, proposals and ideas of professionals in the field and associations representing the disciplines taught. This will make it possible to consider any future reform based on the observations and findings of all professionals". In this open letter to parliamentarians, APMEP calls for "the creation of a permanent parliamentary body tasked with ensuring that our voices as actors in the field are taken into account in the government's education policy". And the association notes that "among the strategic challenges of the France 2030 plan presented by the President of the Republic, most require a high level of technological and scientific qualification. How can we achieve these objectives if the educational policy goes against of its issues?

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Senate amends harassment bill

Adopted by the National Assembly, the bill "aiming to combat school bullying" was profoundly modified by the Senate on 27 January. The senators removed the new offense of school harassment. Categories of people participating in the prevention of harassment are added, such as AESH. A new paragraph in article 3 and a new article facilitates the registration of a harassed child in another establishment and allows instruction in the family. On December 1, the Assembly adopted the Balanant bill, which created a new criminal offence. The two assemblies will have to agree on the basis of two different texts.

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Social diversity

Social mix: In Paris, high schools in beautiful neighborhoods are resisting

"There is still progress to be made. But things are going better". On January 24, Christophe Kerrero, rector of Paris, presented the first results of the reform of Affelnet, the high school assignment platform. Deeply modified for the start of the 2021 school year, Affelnet wants to bring more school diversity and social diversity into highly segregated Parisian establishments. The report, produced by Julien Grenet, shows real progress in the majority of Parisian high schools. But the establishments of the chic districts, 16th, 5th, 6th, resist.

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Teaching job

Teacher work: To put an end to the teacher bashing...

If French teachers are badly paid, it's because they don't work a lot. The proof, they do not even sweep their class. A few days before a teacher demonstration for salaries, this is the message broadcast on January 23 by France 3. A message that flatters the public by taking up the cliché of the lazy teacher, "always on vacation". This time, France 3 opposes the French teacher to the German teacher who works hard and pays for himself. However, the subject is well documented. And it takes a good dose of bad faith or ignorance to draw up the balance sheet made by France3.

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Containment: The support of teachers has not been lacking

"Whatever the sector, according to the parents, the amount of work given by the teachers was generally appropriate and the support of the teachers was not lacking", during confinement, estimates Depp in a new study on the confinement and closure of schools in the spring of 2020. This assertion is based on the consultation of 22,628 families. She may be able to make people forget the teacher bashing campaign launched during the deconfinement on the “thousands” of teachers who had disappeared. Campaign fueled at the time by ministerial declarations. According to Depp, "parents have reorganized their time in order to take more care of their children, whether for their school work or their leisure time. The confinement has been more difficult for families in priority education in terms of effects psychological and in terms of material conditions but not in relations with school... Seven out of ten consider that their child has progressed and one in two that he has acquired autonomy or discovered new learning methods. During this period, the main difficulties encountered by the children to work were, according to their parents, the lack of autonomy and motivation".

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Evaluation of digital skills

The BO of January 20 publishes a memorandum defining the methods of training and evaluation of digital skills from elementary school to post-baccalaureate in high schools. The skills are the subject of a certification issued by PIX.

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The CDIization of AESH and AED buried by the majority

"What are you afraid of by hiring these people?" Michèle Victory (PS) had a bitter taste in her mouth after the debate on her bill on January 20 in the Assembly. His text proposed to CDIser immediately the AESH and AED and to give a weighting to the working hours of the AESH. During the debate in committee, the majority had largely amputated the text. In session it is the text of the commission which is passed. Finally, the AESH will have to wait 3 to 6 years to be able to be CDIsed according to a decree which will have to set the conditions. The AED cannot be CDIsés before 6 years of seniority and there too it is a decree which will fix the conditions. The majority have lost a great opportunity to serve very poorly paid staff who they choose to leave in precariousness when the CDIsation does not cost more. The text must now pass to the Senate.

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