In order to take into account the extremely rapid evolution of the distribution of the Omicron variant in France, the durations of isolation and quarantine changed on January 3, 2022.
Since January 3, 2022, the isolation rules are the same for positive people regardless of the variant (Delta or Omicron).
> All resources to share related to isolation
The isolation is now for 7 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test.
However, after 5 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:
If the test carried out is positive or if the person does not carry out a test, his isolation is maintained at 7 days. She does not carry out a second test on D7.
Isolation is 10 days (full) after the date of the onset of signs or the date of the collection of the positive test. However, after 7 days, the positive person can leave isolation on two conditions:
Thank God I'll know how to write a SOAP note when I get out into practice.
— Travis Bunting Sun Dec 04 14:53:21 +0000 2016
If the test is positive or if the person does not perform a test, the isolation is 10 days.
There is no longer a quarantine, however contact persons must:
In addition, people with contact cases must carry out a TAG or RT-PCR test as soon as they learn that they are contact cases, then carry out self-tests on D2 and D4 after the last contact with the positive person.
In the event of a positive self-test, the result should be confirmed by a TAG or an RT-PCR test.
If the test is positive, the person becomes a case and starts isolation.
These people must respect an isolation period of 7 (full) days from the date of the last contact.
To get out of quarantine, these people must perform an antigen or RT-PCR test and have a negative result.
If the test is positive, the person becomes a case and starts isolation.
For children under the age of 12 in contact cases, in the school environment, the national education protocol applies. This translates into carrying out a TAG or RT-PCR test for all students in the class as soon as a case appears in the class, and returning to class on presentation of the negative result.
In addition, students carry out self-tests on D2 and D4. Parents must present a sworn statement that these tests have been carried out to allow the student to stay in class.
The self-tests whose performance is provided for in the screening scheme for contact persons (for people with a complete vaccination scheme and children under 12) will be covered by health insurance and delivered free of charge in pharmacies after performing the test on D0.
> Students and staff: new Covid-19 isolation rules in schools
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