The eye of the nancy novel telescope is ready

Polling the 2.4 m mirror from the NASA Roman Space Telescope Observatory is finished.This observatory of dark energy and dark matter should define the fate of the universe by determining if its current expansion accelerates or slows down.Originally, this mirror was to be used by a spy satellite whose program was abandoned.

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After the uncertainties on the funding of the NASA Roman Space Observatory (Roman Space Telescope, RST) that President Trump wanted to abandon, the project was finally maintained.The development of this observatory, whose launch is scheduled for 2025, continues.A few days ago, NASA announced that it has completed the construction of the satellite mirror.2.4 meters in size, identical to that of Hubble, this mirror, refurbished belongs to the American agency which notably manages the spy satellites of the United States (National Recognition Office, NRO).

Following the abandonment of a project of military satellites of observation of the earth, the NRO preferred to offer NASA two mirrors rather than managing their storage and all the risks that it represented.

Polling of the mirror has been so perfect that the level of average imperfection of the surface is only 1.2 nanometer, which, according to NASA, is twice smoother as required by project specifications.Result, the quality of the observations and the scientific return expected will be better than expected.If this mirror was the size of the earth, the highest imperfection would only measure 1/4 inch.

Did you know ?

The mirrors of the telescopes are covered with different materials depending on the light wavelengths that they are supposed to detect.The Hubble was designed to see in infrared, ultraviolet and optics.Its mirror was therefore covered with layers of aluminum and magnesium fluoride.The jwst mirror is covered with gold because it sees in lengths of longer infrared waves.As for the RST mirror, it was covered with an extremely fine layer of silver, used because of its ability to think about infrared light.It is less than 400 nanometers thick, which is 200 times finer than a human hair.

Mirror 2.4 meters in diameter from the Roman Space Telescope observatory (RST).This NASA space observatory will be launched in 2025.© L3 Harris Technologies

As NASA recalls in its press release, the primary mirror is the heart of a telescope, whether terrestrial or spatial.He is responsible for collecting light which is then directed towards different instruments.In the RST, light will be directed to two main instruments: an imaging spectrograph and a coronograph.The Wi-Fi imaging spectrograph aims to map the distribution and the structure of black energy in the universe so as to understand how it has evolved over time.As for the CGI coronographer, it will be used to observe exoplanets located only 0.15 second arc of their star.By way of comparison, the earth is around 0.1 seconds in the sun.

What fate for the universe?

Like the James Webb space observatory, the novel Space Telescope is an observatory operating in the infrared.But, the similarity stops there.If the JWST was designed to look as far as possible so as to see the first lights of the universe and the first objects forming, the RST has very different objectives.

It is designed to answer essential questions in the fields of research on black energy, detection of exoplanets and infrared astrophysics.He must in particular see the effects of dark energy and dark matter on a variety of objects in order to understand these two phenomena.He will answer fundamental questions about black energy, for example if cosmic acceleration is caused by a new energy component or by the decomposition of general relativity on a cosmological scale.

You should know that the measurement of the expansion of the universe, carried out by the RST should make it possible to determine whether it continues at Constance speed, accelerates or slows down, which "should help us to discover the fate of theUniverse, ”underlines Jeff Kruk, project manager at the NASA Goddard space center.

This observatory also plans to supplement the census of some 4.333 exoplanets known on September 8, 2020, thus making it possible to answer questions about potential life in the universe.

Pour en savoir plus

The WFIRST space telescope is now named Nancy Grace Roman, mother of Hubble

Article by Rémy Decourt published on 05/22/20

NASA has decided to pay tribute to Nancy Grace Roman, the first astronomer chief of the Spatial Sciences Bureau at the NASA headquarters, giving its name to the WFIRST telescope.From now on, this future spatial observatory of dark energy and dark matter is called Roman Space Telescope.

NASA pays tribute to Nancy Grace Roman by baptizing by its name the Spatial Telescope WFIRST (Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope) which must succeed the James Webb space telescope by the end of the decade.This future space observatory, now called Roman Space Telescope was identified in 2010 as a priority mission by the prospective group of American scientific agencies "Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey".

Roman Space Telescope, whose development started in 2016, is designed to answer essential questions in the fields of research on black energy, the detection of exoplanets and the infrared astrophysics.He must in particular see the effects of dark energy and dark matter on a variety of objects, with as much precision as possible, in order to understand these two phenomena.He will answer fundamental questions about black energy, for example if the cosmic acceleration is caused by a new energy component or by the decomposition of general relativity on a cosmological scale. This observatory also plans to supplement the census of some 4.268 exoplanets known on May 21, 2020, thus making it possible to answer questions about potential life in the universe.

The satellite will be equipped with an infrared telescope with a primary mirror of the same size as that of the Hubble space telescope - 2.4 meters in diameter - and two instruments, the Wide Field Instrument and the coronograph.The Wide Field Instrument will have a field of vision 100 times larger than the Infrarouge Hubble instrument, capturing a larger part of the sky for a short time.If the planning is respected, Roman Space Telescope will be launched in 2025.It will operate about 1.5 million kilometers from the earth on an orbit around the point of Lagrange L2 of the Sun-Terre system, and around which will also evolve the James Webb space telescope.

The mother of the Hubble space telescope

In 1966, Nancy Grace Roman posed a model of what was going to become the Hubble space telescope.© NASA

Nancy Grace Roman is little known to the general public.Wrongly.She was the first astronomer chief of the space science office at the NASA headquarters and the first woman to exercise management functions within the American agency.In the late 1950s, it was one of the only ones to believe in astronomical observation since space.After joining NASA, which she will leave in 1979 on her retirement, she was directly responsible for astronomy programs.We owe her in particular the Cosmic Background Explorer satellite and the Hubble space telescope that she will carry at arm's length.What earned him the nickname "Mother of Hubble".She died in December 2018 at the age of 93.

Photos: The big women of science

Barbara McClintock Barbara McClintock (1902-1992), American, is a pioneer of "cytogenetics", that is to say the study of genetics within the cell.She devoted her career to the study of corn chromosomes, which allowed her to discover the phenomena of recombination during meiosis, the link between chromosomal regions and phenotypical features.The discovery of the existence of transposons, or "jumping genes", earned him the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1983.© Jean-Pierre Rubinstein, Christiane Tuquet, Christiane Lichtlé, Laboratory Photosynthetic Organizations and Environment, Ens.

Jane Goodall Jane Goodall is a British primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist.She devoted her life to the study of chimpanzees and published numerous works that have transformed the vision that men have of primates and animals in general.In the 1960s, by studying the chimpanzees of the Gombe national park, in Tanzania, she discovered, in particular, that they know how to make a tool, in this case a fourte.A great activist in animal law, she is a mass of the United Nations for Peace.© Nick Stepowyj, Flickr, CC 2 license.0;Martin Pettitt, Flickr, CC 2 license.0

L'œil du Nancy Roman Télescope est fin prêt

Dian Fossey Grande Primatologue specializing in the behavior of gorillas, Dian Fossey (1932-1985), born in California was the first to show a possible peaceful contact between a wild gorilla and a human human.It is one of the pioneers of the in situ study of the primates, with Jane Goodall (for chimpanzees) and Biruteé Galdikas (for orangutans).Her fight against poaching probably cost her life in 1985, the year she was murdered in Rwanda.© Marfis75, Flickr, CC by 2 license.0;Mary-Lynn, Flickr, CC by 2.0

Rosalind Elsie Franklin born in London on July 25, 1920, Rosalind Elsie Franklin was an exemplary student.Woman and Jewish in this first half of the 20th century marked by war, she joined the University of Cambridge in 1938 where she studied chemistry and physics.She obtained her doctorate in 1945 for her work on the porosity of coal.After the Second World War, Rosalind Franklin went to France, where she has the opportunity to train in X -ray crystallography, also called X -ray diffratometry, with Jacques Mering, specialist in the matter, in the central laboratory ofchemical services.She then applies her knowledge to the study of coal, then to the study of DNA, when back to London in 1951, she entered King’s College.It is there that she takes superb photographs from DNA to X -rays, which will make a crucial contribution to the discovery of the double propeller structure.But if Rosalind Franklin's work on coal chemistry is recognized, it was removed, however, all merit to discover the DNA DNA structure.His research, published in the prestigious Revue Nature in 1953, will be worth a Nobel Prize to his colleagues James Watson, Maurice Wilkins and Francis Crick in 1962, but not in Rosalind Franklin.The chemist and molecular biologist, whose name was barely mentioned in scientific publication, died of ovarian cancer on April 16, 1958 at the age of 37, before the awarding of the Nobel Prize.© Jewish Chronicle Archive/Heritage-Images.Caroline Davis, Flickr, CC by 2.0

Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier (1758-1836) was the wife of the famous chemist Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier, but also his precious collaborator.She notably took many notes and drawings of their experiences, which allowed them to disseminate their discoveries, which were other than the precepts of modern chemistry.© CC

Henrietta Leavitt entered 1895 at the Harvard College Observatory, the American astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt (daughter of a minister, born on July 4, 1868 in Lancaster, Massachusetts), which became deaf after a disease, stands out within the'Charles Pickering team.Women are then prohibited from telescopes and it is at the photometry service that it shows its qualities, a entirely female service - these women are called calculators.Working on variable stars (whose brightness varies more or less regularly), Henrietta Leavitt will discover thousands of them.Between 1908 and 1912, she discovered in the two Magellan clouds (distant structures and separated from our galaxy) that certain variables are very regular - they are the Cépheids - and the more light they are (on average since it is aboutvariables) and the longer their period (the slower their rhythm).She understands that it would be enough to assess the real ("absolute") brightness of one or more nearby caps of which we could have measured the distance to obtain a period-end period making the Cépheids of "standard candles".By measuring his period, we would have his absolute brightness and therefore his distance.It does not obtain authorization to carry out this calibration.It is a Dutch astronomer, Ejnar Hertzprung, who will realize her.Thanks to this phbolly period relationship, astronomers will measure the distances of globular clusters, determining the form of our galaxy and Edwin Hubble will estimate the distance-enormous-of the nebula of Andromeda, establishing the concept of galaxy.In 1924, a member of the Sweden Academy of Sciences proposed Henrietta Leavitt for the Nobel Prize in Physics, before learning that the discreet astronomer died of cancer in 1921.His name was given to an asteroid (number 5383) and a crater of the moon, located on the hidden side.© Public domain

Caroline Herschel born March 16, 1750 in Hanover, Caroline Herschel moved to England with her brother William, her twelve -year -old elder.The latter, amateur astronomer, to whom we owe many discoveries was the first to flush Uranus.This discovery which will make him famous, will make him a professional astronomer in the service of King George III.Caroline assists her brother and this musician more and more often (who was a teacher and singer), over the years, discovers seven comettes.She notably spotted, in 1795, that known as Encke, observed for the first time, in 1786, by French Pierre Méchain.Faced with the importance of his contributions, the king names her alongside his brother and Caroline Herschel thus becomes the first professional astronomer in history.She will make numerous observations and will receive several awards, including the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society.© Public domain

Émilie du Châtelet Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnellier de Breteuil was born aristocratic, on December 17, 1706, at the dawn of a century of the Enlightenment of which she will be one of the figurehead figures.Gifted for everything, daughter of a man with an open mind who offers her an exceptional education for a woman of that time, she dances, plays the harpsichord, learns Latin, Greek and German, is interested in beautifulclothes, opera and natural philosophy, that is to say science.She marries the Marquis Florent Claude du Châtelet, it seems dazzled by her intelligence, and both engage in a flexible relationship that will leave the Marquise du Châtelet free to frequent the great men of her time, like Bernoulli, Euler,Buffon and Reaumur.Some will become her lovers, notably Maupertuis and Voltaire, whom she welcomes when he is in disgrace.She is passionate about physics and analyzes Leibniz's theoretical work on kinetic energy, which she illustrates using experiences.Émilie du Châtelet writes a treatise on physics, published by the Academy of Sciences, a first for a woman.She is interested in Newton's work and begins a translation of her principia mathematica, which has become mathematical principles of natural philosophy.Released in 1756, this work will be the only translation in French ... and it is still true today.At 43, Émilie du Châtelet dies four days after the difficult childbirth of a girl who will not survive.© Public domain

Lise Meitner born in Austria on November 7, 1878 in a wealthy family, Lise Meitner entered the University of Vienna in 1901, which had just opened its doors to women.She chooses physics and quickly stands out, in particular of Ludwig Boltzmann, then, at the University of Berlin, by Max Planck and by Otto Hahn, who will remain her friend for life.She studies radioactivity and then interested in the structure of the atomic nucleus.A long time, Lise Metner works without being paid.The university is not open to women but it has the exceptional - Max Planck authorization.Lise Meitner will continue to work for free as Otto Hahn assistant to Kaiser Wilhelm company for the progress of science (KWG), a clever company independent.She studies nuclear physics and works to develop a particle accelerator.Lise Meitner managed to explain the instability of heavier elements than uranium.She and Otto Hahn discovered protactinium in 1918 (element spotted in 1913).In the meantime, Lise Meitner has worked as a nurse as a radiology technician for the Austrian army, which is reminiscent of Marie Curie.Lise Meitner is interested in the possibility of acting on the nucleus and participates in the race aimed at making a heavier element than uranium by having neutrons absorb by its nucleus.His work is part of the movement that will lead to nuclear fission.But Lise Meitner, Jewish, had to flee Germany in 1938 and takes refuge in Sweden, where she will continue to correspond, often secretly, with Otto Hahn.Three times expected for the Nobel Prize, she never obtained this award, even if, in 1944, the Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded to Otto Hahn for work to which she had largely contributed.Lise Meitner - also rewarded many times and recognized by her peers - remains one of the most famous failures of the Nobel Committee.© Public domain

Lady Ada Lovelace daughter of a British poet (Lord Byron) and a mathematics lover (Anne Isabella Milbanke), Augusta Ada King was born on December 10, 1815 in London, testifies, like her mother, of great interest inmath.Having become the wife of the Count of Lovelace, she meets Charles Babbage, inventor of the "difference machine", a mechanical calculator.The mathematician then works on the "analytical machine", a mechanical system capable of carrying out a series of calculations established in advance and registered on perforated cards, considered as the pioneer of computers.The machine was never fully built, but it was functional, as demonstrated by an achievement made in 1991.The collaboration of Lady Ada Lovelace is not precisely known, but it is considered that it has achieved the first drafts of a formal writing of the instructions to be used with this analytical machine in order to carry out calculations given.Clearly, she worked on what is now called computer language.In 1978, the name Ada was given, in his tribute, to one of these computer languages drawn up in the United States between 1977 and 1983 at CII-Honeywell Bull, under the direction of Jean Ichbiah.© Jurvetson, Flickr, CC 2.0 generic.

Hypatia of Alexandria: work in philosophy and math philosopher and Greek mathematician, Hypatia was born around 370 AD in Alexandria, under Roman domination.Her father, Théon d'Alexandrie, is the last director of the large library.She studies sciences, in particular astronomy and mathematics.We know little about his life and his work, except a few letters and subsequent writings.Hypatia would have taught philosophy in line with the Platonic school and would have commented on mathematics works.His notoriety seemed important and perhaps this fame was frowned upon by the Christian authorities of the time.According to stories, in particular of Socrates Scholasticism (historian of Christianity, straddling the 4th and 5th centuries after Jesus Christ), it was massacred by a crowd of Christians in March 415.Many works have been devoted to him and a film, Agora, told her story in 2009.© Alejandro Amenabar, DP

Sophie Germain, her theorem and the prime numbers Sophie Germain is a French mathematician born April 1, 1776 in Paris.She was passionate about math in childhood, to the point of devoting her life to it in a society where this kind of activity is, in the professional field, reserved for men.She is so determined that she takes a man name, Antoine Auguste Le Blanc, to ask in writing the lessons of the École Polytechnique, that she obtains and that she devours.Still under her assumed name, Sophie Germain communicates her remarks to the great mathematician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who ends up meeting this brilliant "Monsieur Le Blanc".He will support her in his work.Sophie Germain tackles the big (or last) Fermat theorem, according to which, with x, y, z and n whole, equality x^n + y^n = z^n cannot be verified, whatever bex, y and z, that for n = 2.This theorem will only be demonstrated by Andrew Wiles in 1995.It corresponds with Carl Friedrich Gauss, once again under the name of Monsieur Le Blanc.However, she betrays herself by asking a general of Napoleon to protect this great Prussian mathematician whose country will be invaded by French troops.She describes a special class of numbers, which have become the prime numbers of Sophie Germain.A number is of this type if its double plus 1 is also first.She thus reaches a theorem, known as Sophie Germain's theorem, stipulating that, for the equality of the great theorem of Fermat to be verified, X, Y or Z must be divisible by the square of N.The mathematician gave her name to other theorems and then looked into curved surfaces, which led her to propose a theory of vibration in total opposition with the explanation of fish, another contemporary mathematician.© Jamesweb, Flickr, CC by 2.0

Marie Curie La Future Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowska on November 7, 1867 in an old district of Warsaw.His father is a professor of mathematics and physics and his mother teacher.The discovery of the philosophy of Auguste Comte, the founder of positivism and sociology, will strengthen his passion for physics and mathematics.His family having become closed, and access to scientific studies being unusual for a woman at that time, her decision to pursue a scientific career will confront her with multiple difficulties.Marie left Poland for France in 1891 where she was studying mathematics by following the lessons of two renowned mathematicians, Paul Painlevé and Paul Appell, as well as physicists Léon Brillouin and Gabriel Lippmann.The latter, very impressed by the qualities of Marie, obtains for her the command of a study on the magnetization of different types of steel.But the researcher, who also obtained a math license, lacks knowledge of the magnetism of matter and that will lead her to find out with one of the greatest specialists of the time: Pierre Curie.She will hesitate to accept Pierre Curie's marriage proposal, thinking for a time to have a university position in Poland where she had returned.She will return to her decision and the couple will marry on July 26, 1895, in Sceaux.From this union was born in 1897 Irene Curie who, just like her mother, won a Nobel Prize in chemistry.The same year, she undertook research on a new phenomenon that Henri Becquerel had just highlighted, having chosen this subject for his doctoral thesis.This new phenomenon will be baptized by Marie named radioactivity.Joined in 1898 by Pierre Curie who abandoned his research on Piezo-Electricity, they will announce the same year that they managed to extract tons of this ore two new radioactive elements, radium and polonium.This discovery will earn them the award of the Nobel Prize in 1903 with Becquerel.Pierre Curie died of a street accident in 1906.Marie Curie will replace Pierre at her post as a professor at the Sorbonne, a great first for the time.In 1909, she was appointed full professor in her chair of general physics, then general physics and radioactivity.In 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in chemistry and was the only woman present to the legendary Solvay Congress of that same year.There, she chats with Ernest Rutherford and a rising young star of theoretical physics, Albert Einstein, with whom she will remain linked.During the First World War, Marie Curie will get involved a lot so that the new technique of radiography is available on the front, to help surgeons locate, then extract metal fragments in the body of the wounded.His daughter, Irene, only aged 18, will assist him.After the war, his example will be a precious help in the various struggles for the cause of women, especially of course in the field of sciences.She will become a media figure in the United States, where she will campaign to raise funds for scientific research around radium.Unfortunately, long hours of exhibitions to radioactive substances before you really know the dangerousness will lead to deteriorating your health.It develops leukemia.She goes to the sanatorium of Sancellemoz in Haute-Savoie in 1934 where she died on July 4.© Jurii, license CC 3.0

Dog-shiung wu dog-shiung wu (May 13, 1912 in Shanghai-6 February 1997 in New York) is a Sino-American physicist.Specialist in nuclear physics, she worked in the enrichment of uranium as part of the Manhattan project, then experimentally demonstrated in 1956 the non-conservation of parity offered on theoretical bases a few months earlier by Lee and Yang.These two researchers will receive the Nobel Prize in Physics but not it.It may have suffered in this regard from a certain sexism in the scientific community.She herself said later: "It is shameful that there are so few women in the sciences ... In China, there are many, many women in physics.There is a prejudice in the United States according to which scientific women are all single and without elegance.It's men's fault.In Chinese society, a woman is appreciated for what she is, and men encourage her to realize herself ... but she keeps the eternal female ”.It must be said that Madame Wu, as he was called, was the daughter of Wu Zhongyi, a defender of the parity of the sexes who founded the higher education school of Mingde women.Arrived at the University of Berkeley in 1936, she won in 1940 a doctorate in physics under the direction of the Nobel Prize.Lawrence, the inventor of the cyclotron.Madame Wu was the first woman instructor in the Physics Department of Princeton University, the first woman holding a doctorate Honoris Causa de Princeton, the first woman president of the American Physical Society (elected in 1975).She was the first winner of the Wolf Prize in Physics in 1978, which some consider the equivalent of the Nobel Prize.© Public domain

Emmy German mathematician knot born March 23, 1882.Gifted for languages, daughter of a mathematician, the young Emmy Nœther does not want to become a French or English teacher and enrolled at the Bavarian University of Erlangen, rather closed to women.She manages to take the lessons and is brilliantly received on the final examination.She becomes a mathematical teacher and has a thesis in this area.Among the scientists she will cross the road, are Karl Schwarzschild and David Hilbert.His lessons at the University of Erlangen and then Nottingen become famous and attract many students.The mathematician describes her work there and initiates discussions with her audience.Numerous noether contributions are thus transmitted not by publications but by its oral presentations.The mathematician will thus have a great influence on the next generation.In 1933, after taking power by the Nazis, she was forbidden to teach and she expatriate in the United States, where she worked at Bryn Mawr College, in Pennsylvania.His work, numerous, powerful and varied, concern algebra, in particular the theory of groups, those of the rings and the non -commutative algebra.They will also enrich topography and even theoretical physics.In this last field, the node theorem shows the equivalence between the laws of conservation and the invariance of the physical laws which arise from the principle of symmetry.© Public domain, Jamesweb, Flickr, licence Creative Commons 2.0

Irène Joliot-Curie and artificial radioactivity Irene Joliot-Curie (September 12, 1897 in Paris-March 17, 1956 in Paris) is a chemist, physicist and French politician winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, just like her mother, Marie Curie.She had become her assistant at the Paris Radium Institute since 1918 when, responsible for training engineers in nuclear chemistry, she met her future husband Frédéric Joliot.From their union in 1926 we are born two children, Hélène Langevin-Joliot born in 1927 and Pierre Joliot-Curie born in 1932.With her husband, Irene will discover artificial radioactivity in 1934, shortly before the death of Marie Curie.Frédéric and Irene will receive the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for this discovery the following year.The highlighting and study of this phenomenon which consists in transforming a stable element into a radioactive element, in conjunction with research on the action of neutrons on heavy elements, are an important step towards the discovery of nuclear fission.In 1937, she became a lecturer, replacing her husband appointed to the Collège de France, then professor without a pulpit at the Faculty of Sciences in Paris.In 1946, she became director of the Radium Institute and she participated in the creation of the atomic energy police station, where she held the position of commissioner for six years.She obtains the chair of general physics and radioactivity previously occupied by her mother.Irene Joliot-Curie died on March 17, 1956 in Paris from a leukemia resulting from an overexposure to radioactive radiation during her work, probably also when she attended her mother on the front of the First World War to make radiographiesinjured to help surgeons.© DP

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