The best tips for keeping shape in winter |Health Magazine

Fight winter fatigue

The cold and the lack of brightness greatly affect our organism and our morale during the winter period.Sleep, vitality and joints are put to the test during this season.How to keep shape in winter?What are the advice to follow to face winter?

Between the cold, the very short days, the loss of vitality and tone, our organization and our morale are put to the test during this season.However, there are a few tips to face winter while being serene.Here are the advice of our experts to live this season without fatigue and without getting sick.

Pamper his sleep and vitality to be in good shape in winter

Having good sleep is very important to be healthy because it allows our body to regenerate.Below 6 hours of sleep, the risk of catching a cold is multiplied by four.Winter is a season when we are more likely to feel fatigue and our sleep cycle is disturbed.The lack of sleep directly affects our vitality, which is why it is important to sleep well to keep the shape throughout the winter.

Take advantage of the morning light to find the shape in winter

Do you always want to sleep?This is completely normal because the body produces more melatonin, the sleep hormone, in winter because the nights are longer.To find energy, the solution is not to play the marmots while staying in bed longer.On the contrary: enjoying daylight in the morning by doing a little sport in front of a window or going out walking, reaches the biological clock.

Test the light therapy if you feel a drop in vitality in winter

Studies show that by delaying melatonin production, a cure with a light therapy device reduces the difficulties in falling asleep and the awakenings at dawn.The effects are fast: after a week, we have more energy and better morale.You have to choose a lamp with a power of 10,000 lux: half an hour of exposure each morning is enough, placing the face about 50 cm from the device (you have to keep your eyes open but no need to look at thelamp directly).It takes between 90 and 150 € per device between.We find these devices in household appliances and organic shops.It is a good habit to keep until spring, to overcome winter serenely.It is also important to request the advice of your doctor in the event of a glaucoma type eye problem, cataract...

Follow an anti -stress rhodiole cure to sleep better

Danielle Roux-Sitruk, doctor of pharmacy, recommends this adaptogenic plant "which helps to better manage the physical and mental fatigue of winter, therefore to also have a better sleep in the evening, and to face the cold".A dry extract capsule (dosed at 200 mg) in the morning and at noon (never in the evening because it is stimulating), from Monday to Friday, for 15 days.

Dried fruits, the best foods to spend winter in shape

"Crunch in some oilseeds like almonds or hazelnuts rich in tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, helps to accompany the natural production of serotonin at the end of the day, which itself triggers the secretion of melatonin in the night," says phytotherapist.A chrononutrition reflex that helps to refurbish the day/night rhythms and sleep better in the evening.

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Eat a little more protein to be healthier

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It is important not to neglect its protein intake, especially in winter!It is recommended to consume in particular red and white meat (at least twice a week), fish and seafood (twice a week) which bring zinc and iron, because deficiencies drop immunity.If you are a vegetarian, it is advisable to consume the lenses, eggs, wheat germ on soups and yogurts while keeping a balanced diet.

Take vitamin D to stay in shape

Vitamin D is not only useful for bones, it is also the key vitamin of immunity.A recent studies review confirms that a daily intake of 400 IUs to 2,000 IUs reduces the risk of respiratory infection.This vitamin is useful for almost everyone in winter, preferring vitamin D3 of animal origin, which is better assimilated.

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Put on socks at night to fall asleep faster

A scientific experience has shown that reheating the hands and feet (from about 0.5 ° C) to bedtime caused a blood flow capable of lowering the heat of the center of the body.Result: the sleeping time of participants was reduced by 20 %.Do not forget to lower the temperature of the room around 19 ° in order to promote better sleep.

How to face winter taking care of your immune system?

Above all, we must not neglect the Oto-Rhino-Laryngologist (ENT) sphere during this season.In order to keep the shape in winter you have to take care of your immune system and this involves avoiding infectious episodes as much as possible as much as possible.

Alternate echinacea and elderberry, the best tip for boosting your immune system

These two plants can reduce the number of infectious episodes during the winter and boost the immune system."The echinacea is effective but must not be caught continuously so as not to overtime the immune system.We take her four days a week for one to two months, ”advises Danielle Roux-Sitruk.It can be consumed as well in the form of standardized fresh plant extract (1 C.per day) or dry extract capsules (200 mg), and never in case of asteraceae allergy, autoimmune or cancer disease.To alternate for one to two months with elderberry, in the form of herbal teas (1 C. at C.By cup of water, infuse 10 minutes) or dry extract capsules (200 to 400 mg per day).

Wash your nose regularly to avoid infections

"It is in the evening that it is the most useful, especially if you move in town, to rid the nasal mucosa of pollution particles that create microlays and promote the penetration of viruses.Do not do it more than once a day so as not to irritate the nose, "advises Dr. Gilles Ayoun, ENT.The right gesture?Spray the solution by targeting not upwards but towards the opposite ear (we slightly lean your head) so that the liquid comes out with the other nostril.

Bet on thyme and propolis with anti-infectious properties

"An anti-infectious thyme tea is a good idea at the start of winter infection but also daily in prevention against chronic sinusitis," says Dr. Ayoun.Pastilles or sprays based on propolis, anti-infectious and anti-inflammatory are a good solution because they do good if you have an irritated nose and/or throat.

Unclog the nose with essential oils

The essential oils of Niaouli or Radored Eucalyptus are to be preferred because they have decongestant properties.It is interesting to associate them with ravintsara, anti-viral, to stop cold.Just breathe them, in dry inhalation: 1 drop of each on a handkerchief;Or wet: 5 drops in a bowl of hot water, we breathe the vapors for 10 minutes by covering the head.Never use in case of asthma.

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The best tips for taking care of your joints in winter

During the winter period, the joints are more likely to be painful.Especially when we are suffering from osteoarthritis, this season can be particularly difficult.It is however possible to spend the winter when our joints hurt us, using a few sometimes amazing tips.

Use the hair dryer to relieve osteoarthritis

Apply this dry heat from the hair dryer at least 15 cm from the skin on the knee or hand can do good when osteoarthritis is sensitive to wet and cold weather.Wear a heating kneerer (at Gibaud for example) also helps unlock, in the morning when you wake up, or if you have to walk in the cold, but it should not be carried more than a few hours so as not to limit the movements.

Mass with a heating oil

Gaulthery essential oil is anti-inflammatory but also has a slightly heated effect.It is ideal for massaging a painful articulation and relaxing the muscles around it, because the cold tends to increase the stopping.How to use it ?1 to 2 drops diluted in 1 C. at C.vegetable oil (if possible arnica or capophyll, which are the most effective anti-inflammatory products).

Make gym finger to reduce osteoarthritis pain

Hands, very exposed to cold, suffer particularly.In the event of fingertips, small daily exercises with elastics are effective in increasing mobility and reducing pain from a Norwegian study.We surround each finger with it, then we spread our fingers well from each other, and we lift a finger after the other.

How to keep good joints in winter?Make anti-inflammatory drugs

In case of osteoarthritis thrust, when the joint is red, warm and swollen, do not hesitate to double for a few days the dose of turmeric or harpagophytum if you already take it in the background treatment.You can apply a local anti-inflammatory gel type Diclofenac or based on essential oil of Gaulthery and take an anti-inflammatory by oral route (prescribed by the doctor according to the gastric or cardiac sensitivity of each) for 2 to 3 days if thepain is really intense.

What to do if you have your fingertips all white?

If we suffer from Raynaud's syndrome, tingling and numbness can be very painful.Instead, wear two pairs of glove one on top of the other, including one in silk, to maintain the heat.You can also place heater in its pockets and immerse your hands when you walk outside.

Regularly do small movements: open and loosen the fists, make reels with the arms.It is advisable to take in the background treatment, ginkgo biloba which promotes vasodilation (Ginkor Fort, Tanakan or their generics...), in cure throughout the winter.

Our selection of products to keep shape in winter

The vitamin solution: Immuno + Propolis, Ladrôme, € 19.95 per 20 bulbs.Propolis + royal jelly + echinacea + acerola for vitamin C.

The stimulating solution: elderly gummies, New Nordic, € 26 the 60 gummies (for one month).Two chewing gummies bring 300 mg of a concentrated extract of elderberries.Perfect for those who don't like to swallow capsules.

The anti -fatigue solution: Rhodiole phytostandard, Pilèje, € 13.70 for 20 capsules.A standardized plant extract for a good concentration of active (and organic).

The solution to boost immunity: vitamin D3 1,000 IU, Lescuyer, € 22.50 for 20 ml.Vitamin D extracted from lanolin (sheep wool substance).

A lire aussiAuteur : Laura Chatelain, journaliste spécialisée en santé, bien-être, forme et nutritionExperts : Dr Gilles Ayoun, médecin ORL ; Danielle Roux-Sitruk docteure en pharmacie, formatrice en phytothérapie. Article publié leDans le dossier Fight winter fatigue

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