The beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar - it

It acts on hair, skin and much more.Apple cider vinegar, more than a simple food condiment, has some cosmetic benefits.Zoom on this beauty ally with super powers!

Apple cider vinegar, this condiment made from fermented apple juice, makes miracles and not only in salads!It is the Easy-Healthy beauty product to use organic preferably and to cut with water to reduce its aggressive side.Its sanitary, antifungal, deodorating, lustrants and many others will make you regret not having listened to your grandmother earlier.

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Apple cider vinegar makes the hair shiny

Rinse your hair with cider water and vinegar?It "neutralizes limestone, tightens the scales and makes the hair shine", as Jérémy Fromentin reminds us of the new Kare Salon at the Klay Club in Paris before adding: "As we use rinse water, you have toRemember to dilute it and correctly wringing out the hair after using a clean towel.»»

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Apple cider vinegar fights dandruff

In addition to making shine, apple cider vinegar soothes the scalp and decreases dandruff.Why ?Because its acidity responds more to the natural pH of the scalp, also relatively acidic (because close to 6) unlike the shampoos sold in the sometimes too neutral trade.By rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar, it will restore the dose of acidity that is lacking in the scalp.

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Apple cider vinegar boosts the shine of the complexion and tones the oily skins

Les bienfaits beauté du vinaigre de cidre - Elle

One of the secrets of apple cider vinegar is its selenium content, a very powerful antioxidant, and in acetic acid, a recognized astringent.A small simple recipe for a daily treatment: in the evening, after cleaning the face, a tonic lotion is made with 1 tablespoon of vinegar mixed with 1/2 glass of water.We permeate a cotton.There is only to dab your face with.Result: the pores are reduced and the skin texture is refined. Mais comme tient à le rappeler Julien Keibeck, l'expert de la Slow Cosmétique, dans son livre « Bien-être au naturel»» (éd.Solars): "The use of vinegar on the face [...] should be avoided on children and people with reactive skin.Prefer a dilution at 50/50 for local use and 91/10 for the whole face.»»

Apple cider vinegar soothes the skin

If some use sweet almond oil, coconut oil or raspberry vegetable oil to soothe their skin, they can also opt for a small cup of cider vinegar diluted in the bath because it also hasAnti-inflammatory virtues.This solution also makes it possible to gently get rid of small dead skins and to smooth the epidermis in this way.

Apple cider vinegar acts as a natural deodorant

Toujours dans son livre, Julien Keibeck trouve dans ce qu'il appelle le « vinaigre de toilette»» une bonne alternative au déodorant classique, sans alcool ni sels d'aluminium en prime ! En effet, possédant des propriétés antifongiques, le vinaigre de cidre permet ainsi d'éliminer les bactéries et petits champignons à l'origine des mauvaises odeurs.

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Liquid apple cider vinegar

A blue or a bump?Quickly, a cold compress soaked with apple cider vinegar.A sunburn ?Ditto, in general this avoids blisters and the peeling skin.An insect bite?It is applied fissa and pure.In Australia, rescuers would even use it to relieve jellyfish bites.Indeed, the slight acidity of its pH, close to that of the skin, calms inflammatory phenomena.

Apple cider vinegar cleans our makeup brushes

Using water and soap to clean your makeup brushes is not enough!It is imperative to rinse them or even let them soak in a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar.Thus, they will be perfectly disinfected.

Apple cider vinegar is the detox star

To stay in shape, Megan Fox admits to drinking a glass of apple cider vinegar every morning.Super-Maman Heidi Klum and Fergie, the singer of the Black Eyed Peas, with monster energy, also started there.It must be said that not only does this vinegar restore the acid-base balance of the organism, but that it is also rich in minerals and trace elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, iron, copper), enzymes, in beta-carotene and pectin. À en croire Henri Chenot, le pape de la détox, auteur de « Cure de santé»» (éd. Robert Laffont), « Rien de tel pour favoriser le drainage des voies hépatiques que de boire tous les jours 1,5 litre d’eau de source additionnée de 10 cl de vinaigre de cidre»».From Sharon Stone to the Missoni family, the regulars of his Merano palace all submit to it!

Pour en savoir plus : « Vinaigre malin»», de Michel Droulhiole (éd.The Duke.S)

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