The contamination curve is always ascending.According to the latest bilandu Operational Command Center for the Fight against COVVI-19, yesterday, the number of contamination in the coronavirus reached six hundred twelve (612) cases in Madagascar.
Twenty-six (26) new contaminations were diagnosed last Tuesday between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., bringing the number of contamination to six hundred-douze (612) (612).Of the one hundred and twenty-nine (129) Drawings of the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (IPM) and its mobile laboratory in Toamasina, fourteen (14) were tested positive, including ten (10) from Toamasina, three (03) in Antananarivoand one (1) person from East Fenerive but found in Ambatolampy.
Ankatso's Charles Mérieux (CICM) infectiology center (CICM) has performed sixty-two (62) tests and discovered ten (10) positive cases, including seven (07) from Toamasina and three (03) from Antananarivo.The latter come from Ankazondandy Manjakandrina, Amboromotsy Talatamaty and Soavimasoandro.Finally, the laboratory of the Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona University Hospital Center (CHUJRA) of Ampefiloha detected two (02) new cases in Antananarivo on fifty-nine (59) tests carried out.Between March 19 and May 25, the number of PCR tests carried out throughout the large island is thus nine thousand six hundred and ninety-one (9,681).
Of these twenty-six (26) new cases, seventeen (17) are still from Toamasina, eight (08) from Antanananarivo and one (1) from Fenerive-Est.
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Four new serious cases
Four (04) new healings have been recorded, including two (2) in treatment at the Anosiala University Hospital, one (1) Other at the Befelatanana University Hospital and the last at the Fianarantsoa CHU.
The number of healed patients is currently a hundred and fifty -one (151).Four hundred and fifty-nine (459) people are still under treatment in COVID-19 reference centers throughout the country.Toamasina, the first home of the virus in the country, has just identified four (04) new patients presenting the serious form of the disease.The number of patients in respiratory difficulty in the big city in the East is now ten (10), while the number of deaths due to the coronavirus is still two, according to the official balance sheet.
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