The 5 golden rules for taking care of your skin in winter
Winter is coming at full speed, and just like our wardrobes, it is inevitable to adapt our beauty treatments to the season. Moreover, in terms of care, as in terms of wardrobe, the multiplication of layers is essential. Cold temperatures expose you more to the inconvenience of dry skin, caused by heating, but also to cracking inflicted by icy winds and clogged pores due to lack of exfoliation.
Change make-up remover and pay attention to its pigmentation: here are 5 tips to refresh your beauty routine for the summer (and ensure that your skin is well protected until the summer).
Unsurprisingly, make-up removal needs to be reviewed in accordance with the drier and more hostile climate. The face can easily become dehydrated from central heating, and foaming cleansers can strip the skin of its top layer.
Good piece , but I'd plead for caution in claiming fear is reasonable tool. Under what circumstances? 1% IFR, 5% IFR…
— Greg Anderson 😄 Fri Jul 23 11:26:46 +0000 2021
Cynthia Rivas, a New York beautician has some advice: "you have to change the ritual of cleansing and removing make-up thoroughly from the face morning and evening, to prefer a little cold water on the face in the morning (you can continue to remove make-up from your face in the evening, of course). It all depends on your skin, but if you have dry skin, a product in the form of a cream or milk is ideal."
Products in the form of oils are very effective, especially those that turn into a milky liquid when you add water. They allow to clean makeup and the rest much better than gels. "The oils naturally produced by your face are better flushed out by the oils," adds Rivas.
Our favorite products:
Eve Lom Cleanser: a cult balm based on aromatherapy oils that deeply hydrates
Éminence Stone Crop Cleansing Oil: a non-greasy make-up remover oil, rich in moisturizing jojoba
We tend to exfoliate the skin more during the summer. It's hot, we sweat, and the skin tends to be congested and we tend to incorporate exfoliation more easily into our daily routine. But, it is just as necessary in winter!
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