I have the skin that shines, you have the skin that shines.In short, you conjugate the shine in the present and you would like it to stop?Here are Virginie's advice for a mattens guaranteed oil without oil.
- article initially published on April 16, 2014
Ah, the oily skin, this gift of nature that makes your nose oily and the forehead sliding like a freshly waxed parquet. En plus d’être peu esthétique et d’attraper les moucherons, la peau grasse met en évidence un problème d’excès de sébum ou de produits de beauté non-adaptés.
Do not panic, here are some tips for watching the shine, from the quarrel of morning Frimousse to the peak of sebum from the end of the afternoon.
Before covering your talc face to avoid untimely shine, ask yourself these few questions: is my facial care routine adapted to my skin type?Is it too aggressive?Is my skin intrinsically oily or just too nourished?
Indeed, your skin can shine for different reasons:
In all cases, some adjustments in your care routine (an oil-free moisturizer, a green clay mask, a foaming cleaning gel without soap ...) can only minimize small fatty nose worries.
Once your care routine has been adjusted according to the real needs of your skin, you will be able to be interested in anti-brown makeup.
First of all, check that your products for liquid complexion or cream texture are well-free ("oil" in French).It would still be silly to add a tart of fat to a skin that already produces too much!
In the makeup department, the mattifying base is the first product on which you should look if your forehead has become your personal frying oil reserve.
Thanks to its rich silicone texture, it fills the pores, blurs the relief of imperfections and above all prevents sebum from resurfaced too quickly.If you have oily skin and "problems", there are also mattifying bases without silicones (because of its occlusive character, silicone can, in the long run, promote the appearance of comedons).
Mattifying powder is the other ally of oily skins.To apply wherever your sebaceous glands are zealous, it fixes the complexion of the complexion while controlling the appearance of excess sebum.You can choose it transparent and imperceptible or slightly tinted for more coverage.
Despite treatment and anti-brain care routines, can your T zone fry a dozen cod accras from 3 p.m.?Relax, you do not need to make your removal entirely to eliminate your facial fat: there are products (to keep in your bag) which rid the epidermis of all excess sebum in two seconds time, all without altering makeupcomplexion.
Hyper old-school but formidable against fatty plates: mattifying papers!These small leaves act as real blotters and absorb all the sebum in their path.Some versions are even covered with a thin layer of free powder to blur the pores and delay the next rise in fat.
If you think you moll your sebum several times a day, classic mattifying papers will be more suitable to avoid finding you with ten layers of powder on the forehead at the end of the day.
Other very nice products, the conducting shine gels, to be applied in small touches, over its makeup, where sebum flows with.
After having suffered all the fat (I know, it makes you want), you can again powder your T zone with a compact powder, mattifying or not.Above all, never powder directly on the excess sebum: it makes pâtés and it marks even more the dilated pores.
And that's it for these tips for grassouche epiderms!The snowfields glued to your forehead are soon just a bad memory.
Read also: What tips for my makeup issues?
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