A nourishing egg cream for very dry hair. The proteins contained in the egg strengthen the hair and allow it to be deeply nourished. If your hair lacks shine and remains very dry despite your usual care, you can opt for an ultra-nourishing mask to make with ingredients from your kitchen. For this, you will need a whole egg, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a cup of vegetable oil of your choice: avocado, olive, jojoba… For the realization, start by beating the egg and lemon juice using an electric mixer.
On the same subjectBut why is my hair not growing anymore?Gradually add the oil while continuing to mix. The mixture should begin to rise until it looks like mayonnaise. When it is firm, apply it using your fingers on your hair previously moistened. To facilitate the penetration of the mask, you can cover your head with a hot towel, and leave on for at least 30 minutes, an hour at best. Then rinse using your usual shampoo, so as to eliminate all the surplus.
The proteins and good fats contained in the egg give it exceptional nourishing and restorative properties. It strengthens even the most damaged hair, while restoring shine and softness. If your hair has suffered from repeated straightening or coloring, you will appreciate the effectiveness of simple ingredients. To make a 100% natural mask with ingredients that you will inevitably find in your kitchen, you will simply need two egg yolks and a good tablespoon of olive oil. Mix the two yolks with the olive oil until you obtain a homogeneous preparation. Gently apply this mask on wet hair, insisting on the ends, then leave on for 15 minutes. Finish with a mild shampoo and thorough rinse. Your hair should regain vigor and shine.
To be healthy, hair needs nutrition, but also hydration. With the protein and fat it contains, the egg is an excellent nourishing ingredient. To restore shine to dull and dehydrated hair, you can combine it with a simple natural yogurt. Lactic ferments are indeed recognized for their moisturizing action. They soften the hair and rebalance the scalp. To take advantage of all these benefits, simply mix a plain yogurt with an egg. When the preparation is homogeneous and very creamy, apply it to damp hair and leave to act for about 20 minutes. Be careful not to leave the yogurt on for too long! Finish by rinsing with clean water followed by a mild shampoo. Your hair should have regained all its suppleness!
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