Sexual intercourse: what are the benefits of sex on the body and health?

Psycho / Sexo • # Sexo, sexual intercourse, health, couple, bodyby Jessica Meurens

Sex is important in a relationship and helps develop intimacy with our partner. We also know that sex allows us to burn calories, but this is not the only benefit of the parts of legs in the air. Small non-exhaustive list.


As we know, sexual relations are important for our emotional and psychological well-being, but also for that of our couple. But, what you might not know is that high kicks also have a good impact on our physical health. So why deprive yourself of it?

Here are the benefits of sex for our body

  1. Make happy. Yes, by making love, we are happy. Indeed, your body releases endorphins, the hormones of happiness. In addition, it reinforces the feeling of love.
  2. Decrease stress. Having sex helps lower stress levels because it lowers blood pressure.
  3. Help to sleep better. The oxytocin released during sex will help you relax and therefore sleep better.
  4. Breathe better. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It is actually useful against hay fever and asthma symptoms.
  5. Alleviate the pain. During sex, your body produces substances that increase your resistance to pain.
  6. Strengthen the immune system. Having sex regularly enough would strengthen the immune system and therefore prevent you from getting sick.
  7. Improve memory. When you make love, you increase the percentage of dopamine in your body. It is this hormone that boosts memory.
  8. Calm the migraine. Making love releases a large amount of nitric oxide, which improves blood circulation, which has the effect of calming migraines linked to vascular difficulties.
  9. Strengthen the heart. A sexual intercourse represents a physical effort of moderate intensity. It therefore participates in the elimination of toxins, increases the heart rate, activates blood circulation and strengthens the heart.
  10. Stimulate libido. The well-being provided by a part of the legs in the air exerts a stimulating effect. Indeed, the more active your sexuality, the more you will enjoy it and the more you will want it. Sexual stimulation also makes sex more enjoyable.

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