Seven cases of COVID-19 are added to the regional balance sheet of Gaspésie

The regional public health department of Gaspésie and the Islands reports four new cases of COVID-19 in the MRC La Côte-de-Gaspé, two new cases in that of Haute-Gaspésie and one new case in Bonaventure.

Cas par Municipalité régionale de comtéMRC :

Eight more people are now considered recovered. Given this decrease in sick people, 74 residents of Gaspésie are still considered contagious.

The situation remains unchanged in Bonaventure where there are, like the day before, 19 active cases. There are now 16 active carriers of the virus in La Côte-de-Gaspé. On the other hand, it is still in Haute-Gaspésie that public health counts the largest number of active carriers of the virus, ie 29.

Four people are in hospital after developing severe symptoms of the disease. This is the same observation as yesterday.

Since the start of the pandemic count, the region has accumulated 1,923 COVID-19 infections.

Situation under control

So far, since the beginning of May, the virus has been detected in 87 people in Gaspésie. The region's alert level, still at the yellow level, should not change, according to the region's public health director, Dr. Yv Bonnier-Viger.

The latter affirms that the recent outbreaks in Haute-Gaspésie have been well circumscribed and should not spread.

Sept cas de COVID-19 s’ajoutent au bilan régional de la Gaspésie

A nurse holds the bottle brush used to collect a sample for a COVID-19 screening test.

Photo: The Canadian Press/Paul Chiasson

Une clinique mobile de dépistage devrait être de retour cette semaine dans les municipalités touchées. Elle sera notamment à Saint-Maxime-du-Mont-Louis, vendredi. Le Centre intégré de santé et de services sociauxCISSS rappelle que la clinique de dépistage de Sainte-Anne-des-Monts est toujours accessible sept jours sur sept.

Dr. Bonnier-Viger invites his fellow citizens not to let their guard down since the virus is still circulating. It reminds them to get tested when cold or fever symptoms appear.

Situation in schools

On Monday, students who attend a kindergarten class and the daycare service at Aux-Quatre-Vents school in Rivière-au-Renard were preventively isolated following the detection of a case among the students.

The return to class of these students, who are receiving distance education, is scheduled for May 20.

Cases were also added last Friday to the results of the Notre-Dame-des-Neiges school in Marsoui, closed since May 3. Seven students and three staff members have been infected with the virus.

Originally scheduled for Friday, the students' return to class may not take place until next Monday.

Only one case is still declared positive at the school in the village of Saint-Maxime-du-Mont-Louis where the two groups of first and second secondary have been isolated as a preventive measure.

Distance learning will be in effect until May 18.

Pencils in an empty classroom.

Photo: CBC/David Donnelly

The assessment of the Chic-Chocs school service center is currently 12 cases. On the Baie-des-Chaleurs side, the School Service Center has counted four cases. This report has remained unchanged since May 8.

The spread of the virus continues in Bas-Saint-Laurent

Au Bas-Saint-Laurent, les Municipalité régionale de comtéMRC de La Mitis, de La Matanie et de La Matapédia ne présentent pas de nouveaux cas pour une seconde journée consécutive, ce dont s'est réjoui le député Pascal Bérubé sur son compte twitter.

Malgré ce bon bilan dans l’est de la région, le virus de la COVID-19 continue de se propager dans l'ouest du Bas-Saint-Laurent qui dénombre 50 des 55 nouveaux cas rapportés par le Centre intégré de santé et de services sociauxCISSS.À elle seule, la Municipalité régionale de comtéMRC de Rivière-du-Loup en compte 30.

In Quebec, a total of 660 new cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the past 24 hours, bringing the number of confirmed cases in the province to 359,456 since the start of the pandemic.

Public health also reports in its daily report of 9 new deaths, which brings to 11,002 the total of lives lost in Quebec due to COVID-19.

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