Sebum cure: the trick to take care of your hair

The sebum cure is a 100% natural method that allows you to take care of your hair, stopping wash it.To learn all about this cure, follow the guide.

Cut your hair regularly, use organic shampoos, make masks ... There are many beauty tips to take care of your hair.But have you ever heard of the sebum cure?This trendy method, which mainly consists in no longer washing your hair for a long time, is very effective in taking care of your hair and scalp.Completely natural, it can sometimes push some people, but it remains one of the best beauty tips.

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Sebum cure, where the art of no longer shampoos.Photo credit: Natali_Ploskaya / Shutterstock

Whether you have long or short hair, sebum cure can be done by anyone, man or woman.The principle of the cure is not to wash your hair, for a week or a month: a real treatment which allows a natural return.As the hair will no longer be washed during this hair routine, it will secrete sebum, a 100% natural fat that is produced by the sebaceous glands, located at the back of the hair.This natural oil that comes from our body is very useful, since it allows hair to be healthy and to have volume.Sebum also protects the scalp and fights external aggressions by creating a natural and protective barrier around the hair.Thus, this oil has many benefits for the hair, which we however erase with too frequent shampoos.

Sebum acts as an oil which also makes it possible to nourish the hair in depth and to hydrate it well, without having recourse to care sold in trade.The hair is generally dry because it lacks sebum.This is particularly the case with curly hair, which have more fragile and dry spikes than smooth hair, because sebum has more difficulty to spread over all the lengths of the hair.

You will understand, starting a sebum cure allows you to space your shampoos, and bring to the hair all the qualities of the sebum, this natural and protective oil.It also makes it possible to nourish problematic hair, like those which are fatty to the roots and dry with the tips, and to cure hair leathers which itch or which are source of dandruff.If you have taken the plunge and you are ready to take care of your mane with a natural method, follow the guide.

Tips for successful sebum cure

To start a sebum cure, you must above all not be afraid of having oily hair.Indeed, many people follow their own hair routine and fall into a vicious circle, which consists in washing their hair frequently to prevent them from becoming fatty.However, the more frequent the shampoos, the faster the hair is, the more you wash it, and so on.Today, many professionals recommend spacing shampoos and washing your head only once or twice a week, but these tips can sometimes seem unfeasible.But then, how to make a successful sebum cure?

When we want to follow this method, it's not just a question of stopping the shampoos completely and leaving our hair abandonment.On the contrary, following a sebum cure involves respecting a specific rhythm and program.To help you, here are some tips.

Cure de sébum : l'astuce pour prendre soin de ses cheveux

To start, make a last wash before you say goodbye to the shampoo on your head.Choose a good shampoo that will remove all the residues from your old styling products, and let them dry without applying after-shampoo, foam or wax: stay natural.

Before you start your sebum treatment, make a last wash on your hair.Photo credit: New Africa

Do not wash your hair can cause some drawbacks like itching on the skull and bad odors.To do this, it is necessary to brush your hair daily, with a good quality brush like a wild boar brush.Brushing will allow sebum to descend on all lengths of the hair and reach the tips, so that the whole of the hair benefits the benefits of sebum.

Finally, using a brush is also useful for removing all dust and dead skin that may have accumulated in your hair over the days, and which were not removed during washing.Once the hair is brushed, take care to wash your brush after each use, with lukewarm water and soap.Then you can pass your fingers in your hair and gently massage the skull, to breathe the scalp and take off the roots.

Also remember to change your pillowcase regularly, so that it is not soaked in sebum.For the same reason, do not wear the same cups, hats or headbands all the time.

Do not apply anything on her hair during the cure

The first days, the sebum treatment can be difficult to manage, especially if you tend to have oily hair quickly and secrete a lot of sebum.Rest assured and hold on: by no longer washing your hair, we let the secretion of sebum regulate on its own.Thus, it tends to decrease over time and you will be able to get used to the unpleasant feeling on your skull.

For the sebum cure to be successful, it is important to remain natural, to apply neither product, water nor care on his hair and not to wet them throughout the duration of the cure.Be motivated, and resist the irrepressible desire to jump on your bottle of shampoo.Indeed, this could ruin all your efforts.

Be careful however: if the cure becomes really unbearable and you feel strong itching, skull pain or too many tightness, stop everything.The sebum cure must remain a care and must not be unpleasant.According to some testimonies, followers of the sebum treatment have had a bad experience not and failed to go to the end, and it does not matter.If you cannot bear the absence of washing, rinse your hair, taking care to massage your scalp and make a soft shampoo.

Live with oily hair

Beyond the practical aspect, living daily without washing your hair can become embarrassing in our social life and making us feel bad in our skin.It is easier to do a sebum cure if you are on telework, on vacation or even during a confine.However, it is also quite possible to start a cure when you have an active social and professional life, all by feeling comfortable in your body.

For some people, having oily hair is not something easy to assume in society, and this can become embarrassing at work or in everyday life.If you want to go unnoticed, there are some tips to follow to make your sebum treatment without being afraid of the others.

During a sebum cure, adopt the high bun.Photo credit: Wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock

The first tip is to get your hair attached, because this is how sebum will go the most unnoticed.You can especially opt for several haircuts like a high bun, well -plated behind, but also braids, mats or ponytail.You can also use a banner or scarf to put at the top of your skull, to hide the sebum on your hair.Be careful, as said previously: remember to regularly renew your banner so that it does not become dirty too quickly.

Also be careful if you have a bangs or a wick: the hair on your forehead draw attention and is very visible to your face.So you have no choice: lift your bangs using a pliers to clear your forehead.You will prevent small oily wicks from walking on your face and giving you a neglected appearance.

Sebum cure: and after?

In general, the duration of a sebum cure is a week to one month.Each cure is different depending on the quantity of sebum secreted while stopping shampoos.To get an idea and know when your ordeal is finished, it is estimated that a sebum cure is finished when the whole of the hair is covered with natural sebum: roots up to the tips.You will understand, the cure is faster when you have short and smooth hair than when you have curls that come to us up to the lower back.

Once the sebum cure is finished, the long -awaited washing has arrived.Favor a very soft, organic and sulphate -free shampoo, and do not apply any other product.Even if you wanted to wash your hair for thirty consecutive days and you only thought of your next shampoo, remember.Do only one shampoo and do not use chemicals after brushing, because they could make your hair grease even faster.Also try to take good habits and follow a hair routine by opting for organic products and natural care that does not attack hair.

Make a treatment to make your hair healthy / credit: Unsplash

Finally, respect a strict routine by spacing the shampoos.After the sebum cure, you will see that your hair will stay clean longer.It is advisable to make only one or two shampoos per week, to have a beautiful and healthy mane.

Today, hundreds of men and women have already tested the sebum cure, and only withdraw positive.This was for example the case during confinement, a moment that many French people chose to make a sebum treatment and follow this trend.Although this is not a very pleasant period, the results are visible as soon as the sebum treatment is finished.According to the numerous testimonies, the hair is clean longer, has more volume and shine, and grow faster.A trendy experience, which will allow you to have beautiful hair that will enhance your body, skin and face.So, ready to try?

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