Replay.#Onvous ivilonde: "From an epidemic point of view, we should have closed the schools a week earlier," said William Dab, a former director of Health

What there is to know

""What additional measures should be taken?""asked William Dab, epidemiologist and former Health Director from 2003 to 2005.""From the strict epidemic point of view, it was justified to close schools a week earlier,"" he said before adding: ""In addition, the fight against false health pass should be much more active.""The professor answered questions from Internet users in our Live, Thursday, December 16, with the keyword #on you.

Without the vaccine, ""we would have had around 50,000 dead"" more.""What are the vaccines for since the epidemic goes very strongly on the rise?""To this question of user, William Dab replied: ""If we had not had the vaccine, we would have had around 50,000 additional dead, the hospitals would have been saturated and we would have been confined again.""

There is no shortage of the causes of uncertainty on the forehead of the COVVI-19 epidemic.The fifth wave seems to be approaching his peak, but we do not know if the number of contaminations will regress or stagnate.Nor for how long, because the arrival of the omicron variant, still poorly known, should rebatter the cards. Le gouvernement n'exclut pas de prendre de ""nouvelles décisions"", a annoncé son porte-parole Gabriel Attal, alors qu'un conseil de défense sanitaire est prévu vendredi.

New restrictions from the United Kingdom. Face à ""la diffusion extrêmement rapide du variant Omicron"" dans le pays, l'entrée en France sera réservée aux personnes justifiant de certains motifs ""impérieux"".The validity of tests from the United Kingdom is reduced from 48 hours to 24 hours and an isolation system on arrival in France is also established, according to Matignon.

More than 50,000 positive daily cases. ""On peut considérer qu'on est dans une forme de pic"", a expliqué le ministre de la Santé Olivier Véran aux députés mercredi.But it is high: more than 50,000 contaminations were confirmed on Wednesday.The number of people hospitalized in intensive care could reach 4,000 around Christmas, estimated Gabriel Attal, while they are 2,850 today.

Vers une vaccination obligatoire ? Une telle décision serait ""tout à fait possible"", a déclaré le président de la République lors de son interview télévisée diffusée sur TF1 mercredi. Tout en estimant que ""nous y sommes quasiment"", puisque ""plus de 90% de celles et ceux qui devaient se faire vacciner se sont fait vacciner"".Which leaves a doubt about the intentions of the Head of State.

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