Nausea, disgust, stuffy tongue, not very fresh breath and slow digestion attack you? Your liver is clogged, you have to help it. This large gland weighing more than a kilo is responsible for several high-level missions: purification, synthesis and storage. It purifies all the toxins brought to the body (alcohol, drugs) or products (ammonia), it synthesizes coagulation factors, bile. It is involved in each of the three major metabolisms (protein, lipids and carbohydrates). It stores vitamins (A, D, E and K) and energy (glycogen).
• Artichoke, milk thistle, desmodium, dandelion and kinkeliba leaves are purifying and hepatoprotective plants that will boost liver metabolism and normalize enzyme activity.
In decoction: 2 tablespoons of a plant or a mixture of several in equal parts in 50 cl of cold water, boil water and plant at the same time, boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat and let infuse for 10 minutes covered . Strain and drink 1 cup before each meal.
In capsules dosed at 250 mg: 2 in the morning, 2 at noon, 2 in the evening before the meal.
In hydro-alcoholic extract: 30 drops morning, noon and evening in a glass of water.
In powder: 1 teaspoon in a glass of water, yogurt, compote, soup, morning and evening.
• Birch and rosemary buds: liver drainers and hepatoprotectors.
In BMG drops: 5 drops of each under the tongue or in water, twice a day, outside of meals.
• The EPS of milk thistle and artichoke for its detoxifying virtues of the liver, stimulating the gallbladder and fat metabolism.
1 teaspoon in a glass of water twice a day between meals.
Contraindications: no artichoke in case of gallstones, hepatobiliary disease, allergy to asteraceae.
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— Stronghold NYC Sun Tue 15 09:00:35 +0000 2020
Essential oils (EO) of wild carrot, rosemary verbenone, peppermint, lovage and essence of lemon detoxify the liver and are anti-nausea.
To ingest: in a 15ml tinted dropper bottle, mix 1ml = 30 drops lovage and peppermint, 2ml = 60 drops wild carrot, lemon and verbenone rosemary, top up with oil of olives. Take 2 drops in 1 teaspoon of olive oil in the middle of the meal, 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
Contraindications: do not use these essential oils throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding and in children under 10 years old. No rosemary EO in case of history of hormone-dependent cancer. No peppermint EO in epileptics and frail seniors.
• Eat light so as not to overload digestion. Avoid strong food odors that can make you sick even more quickly: cinnamon, coffee, melon and hot foods from which vapors emanate. Make small meals spread over the day: 3 to 6 depending on physical and intellectual activity with rather fresh foods – raw fruits and vegetables, dairy products, white ham, cold white and red meats, rice salad, lentils or pasta.
• Eat vegetables that drain the liver: black radish, artichoke, dandelion, chicory.
• Little added fat, little fatty cheese, fatty meats and fish.
• Flavor with antinausea and antispasmodic spices and aromatic herbs: basil, tarragon, dill, mint, ginger, marjoram, oregano.
• Also avoid industrial and refined foods rich in saturated fats and various additives that can maintain nausea.
• Drink lemon water every morning on an empty stomach: squeeze half a lemon into a 15 cl glass of lukewarm water, for 10 to 15 days.
• Taking care of the context of food intake – calm, seated, resting quietly with at least a 30-minute break in front of you – is essential. Take the time to chew, chew the food well to salivate it and relax the work of the stomach.
• Eat small meals, as much as you want, even if it means splitting them up over the day.
• Eat a balanced, varied, quality, colorful and seasonal diet.
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