Wearing a mask makes it possible, along with other barrier gestures, to avoid transmitting the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus to those around you. But it has a "deleterious effect on the skin of people affected by eczema", notes the French Eczema Association. What are these inconveniences? How to avoid them? The point with Dr. Nina Roos, dermatologist.
We can never repeat it enough: wearing a mask helps fight the coronavirus epidemic. Whether surgical, FFP2 or fabric, this protection makes it possible to limit the spread of the virus responsible for Covid-19, if it is combined with other barrier gestures (respecting social distancing, washing your hands very regularly, coughing and sneezing in your elbow or a handkerchief, use a single-use handkerchief and throw it away, avoid touching your face as well as handshakes and kisses).
If it is important, it is not devoid of inconvenience. In some people, it can dry out, irritate the skin, and contribute to the appearance of acne pimples. Same problems for the 2.5 million French people sensitive to eczema. "There may be irritation, dryness, triggering of contact eczema under the mask, or eczema of the eyelids with the wearing of the disposable mask", indicates Dr. Roos, doctor dermatologist.
"Wearing a mask promotes or aggravates outbreaks of eczema (atopic or contact) on the face, around the mouth, on the lips, nose, chin, cheekbones... and behind the ears", confirms a press release from the Association Française de l'Eczéma.
Why ? "Because wearing the mask disrupts the functioning of the skin and the skin flora, by occlusive effect and maceration. There is obviously also irritation by the synthetic microparticles of disposable masks", answers the dermatologist.
According to a survey conducted by the association with 321 French participants from June 1 to 13, 2020, people with eczema suffer when they wear the mask:
All these inconveniences push more than 30% of the people questioned to deprive themselves of outings to avoid wearing the mask. 16% claim to have had to change their skincare habits by often applying emollients.
Surprising: for some respondents, wearing a mask has, on the contrary, an advantage. 53% claim that this device helps them to “protect themselves from the eyes of others”.
Even if it creates many skin problems, the mask remains essential to avoid spreading Covid-19.
To make wearing it less unpleasant, the association shares practical advice:
See alsoArticleFinally, once the mask is correctly placed, do not touch it again. Change the protection every 4 hours.
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I refuse I acceptWashing your hands very regularly helps to limit SARS-CoV-2 contamination. But frequent cleaning of the skin can be irritating. "Hand washing mainly causes irritative dermatitis. Hydroalcoholic gel can cause irritation and contact eczema. You should therefore wash your hands with soap rather than gel. And use barrier creams, which isolate the skin and help to repair it", advises the doctor.
Remember to clean as soon as there is contact of the hands with the mask.
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