Tenarckers and owners will however have to continue to ensure that their customers show their vaccination passport at the entrance.
Le port du masque sera aussi obligatoire partout dans les bars et les restaurants, sauf au moment de boire et manger
, a précisé le ministre de la Santé, Christian Dubé.
For Karaoke's activities, the singing person will have to wear a consultant if he cannot place himself at least two meters from musicians, other singers and spectators or behind a physical barrier.
The softenings concerning bars and restaurants will also apply to casinos and play homes.
Since Monday, Quebec bars and restaurants can be completed as much as possible with their capacity, rather than 50 %, and bars can be opened up to 3 hours again, as was the case before the Pandemia.
As of November 15, high school students will no longer have to wear the mask in the classes, but will have to do so in the common areas.
Photo: Radio-Canada / Josée Ducharme
Thousands of high school students will no longer have to wear a mask in class from November 15, Minister Dubé also announced on Tuesday, accompanied by the National Director of Public Health Horacio Arruda.
This decision is explained in particular by the fact that 79.3 % of adolescents aged 12 to 17 are adequately vaccinated, according to data recorded on October 31 by the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ).Only 23 active hatches are currently identified in secondary schools.
The port of the mask will however remain compulsory when traveling in the school, in common areas and school transportation.
Primary students, who cannot yet be vaccinated, will not be affected by this reduction.
Porting the mask by students and staff is currently compulsory in secondary schools in Montreal, Laval, Montérégie, Lanaudière, Laurentides, Outaouais, Estrie, Mauricie and Center-Du-Québec, as well as in some regional municipalities of County Chaudière-Appalaches and Bas-Saint-Laurent.
Still from November 15, the government will end its instructions to employers to favor telework when possible.
Pour les employeurs et les travailleurs concernés par cette mesure, le retour en présentiel sera possible, mais les formules mixtes permettant la poursuite du télétravail seront recommandées
, a précisé le cabinet de Christian Dubé dans un communiqué.
It will also be possible to get up from your place and dance in public gathering places such as the spectacles, places of worship, congresses or conferences.
For activities deemed essential such as funerals, weddings or religious ceremonies, the presentation of the vaccination passport will not be compulsory.Wearing the mask and a distancing of at least one meter will be required.The limit for interior gatherings will be 250 people and 500 for external gatherings.
For activities deemed not essential (congress, show, festivals, etc..) la présentation du passeport vaccinal sera exigée, mais le respect d’une distanciation ne sera plus requis et il n’y aura plus de limite de capacité
The mask will however be mandatory inside, except for drinking and eating.
Users will have to wear a closed cable coverage of alpine ski and sliding sports centers.
Photo: Radio-Canada / Jean-François Deschênes
The practice of outdoor winter sports such as cross -country skiing, skating or hockey is not targeted by the vaccination passport.
La limite de capacité des sites doit pouvoir permettre le respect d’une distanciation d'un mètre
, explique le communiqué.
The port of the mask remains of course compulsory within chalets of service, catering areas and skating huts and other places of its kind.
In terms of alpine ski and sliding sports centers that exploit lifts, all users will have to wear a coverage (scarf, cache or hoods are accepted) in closed cable cars.
In all interior spaces, wearing the coverage will be mandatory, except when eating or drinking.
Il faudra aussi présenter un passeport vaccinal pour accéder aux aires de restauration, aux bars, cafétérias et salles multiusages où il est possible de consommer un repas
The obligation to produce a vaccination passport to access the other buildings will be left to the discretion of station owners.
There will no longer be, as from November 15, to limit participants per set for all recreational and sporting activities that take place inside, insofar as the vaccination passport will be required to participate.
Port of the coverage will remain compulsory when traveling, but it can be removed during intense physical activities.
In gyms, there will be no more compulsory distancing of two meters, except when a person withdraws their mask during an intense activity.
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