The pimples on the face, how to recognize them?

Les boutons sur le visage peuvent représenter une réelle gêne esthétique pour de nombreuses personnes. Afin de les traiter au mieux il est important d'identifier les différents types de boutons que l'on peut retrouver sur le visage. Quels sont les différents types de boutons ? Acné, points noirs, papules... Comment les reconnaître ? Les boutons sur le visage, comment les reconnaître ? Les boutons sur le visage, comment les reconnaître ?

Ah the buttons ... A scourge that can represent a real aesthetic discomfort for many people.In order to treat them as well as possible and that they disappear as quickly as possible, the first step is to identify the type of button on our face.

In dermatology, there are several categories of buttons and each type of button has specific names.The appearance of pimples on the face can be explained by different causes.Each type of button has a cause that explains the reason why he decided to point the nose on our face.

Microystes, or white pimples

Microcysts, which are also called closed comedons in dermatology, are the buttons that are most frequently found on the face.Mycroystes are a more commonly formal form of acne called white pimples.They are formed because of an accumulation of sebum, bacteria C. Keratin aneset, skin cell protein.These microcysts can open and thus evolve into open comedons.They can also be akin to milium grains.Please note, they can also ignite and in this case, become papules or pustules.

How to know how to recognize a microcyst?

It is quite easy to recognize microystes because most often, they take the form of small white pimples.These are buttons 2 to 3 mm in diameter that are stuck under the skin.Before they become white, they appear in the form of small red pimples that we will not succeed in piercing.It is a type of buttons that will stay long enough, in general several weeks.It is a type of acne that often requires treatments under prescription.

Open comedons, or blackheads

Open comedons, known as "Black Point", are a type of buttons 1 to 3 mm in diameter.The cause linked to the appearance of a black point is an overproduction of sebum which obstructs skin pores.Indeed, this mixture of sebum and dead cells leads to the formation of a small black and hard ball on the surface of the skin.Black dots most often appear on oily skin, which tend by nature to remember impurities and secrete sebum in higher quantity compared to normal skin.The black color of the open comedon is simply linked to a chemical reaction.

How to know how to recognize an open comedy?

Open comedons are easily recognizable because they are characterized by their color and their specific shape.It is a small black bump that generally appears on the T zone of the face, namely on the forehead, the nose or the chin.In addition, blackheads can be expressed spontaneously.They are rarely inflamed, except if they are manipulated.

Papules, or red buttons

Papules are also a form of acne, which is more commonly known as "red buttons".Papules are red pimples that have no head or pus inside."We call it" full pimples "which means that there is no liquid or purulent flow when trying to unravel them" specifies Dr. Nina Roos, dermatologist in Paris.

How to know how to recognize a papule?

Papules are easily recognizable because they are pimples that are characterized by their size and redness.These are buttons less than 5 mm in diameter and pink or red color.As a rule, they are painful and hot to the touch.These are pimples that can absorb alone or evolve towards pustules.


Les boutons sur le visage, comment les reconnaître ?

Pustules are also a lesion of the skin.The appearance of pustules is either linked to acne or rosacea which can take different forms.Very often it is linked to acne and in these cases, you have to opt for slightly stronger treatments on prescription.Its causes are multiple but it is almost always an infectious cause.Here are the main types of pustules:

How to know how to recognize a pustule?

Pustules can appear in different forms depending on their cause.Most often, whatever the type of pustule, it is a button with purulent content of more than 5 mm in diameter.In most cases, it is a white head button.In order to precisely recognize the type of pustule we have, you must consult a healthcare professional in order to be oriented towards suitable treatment.These buttons can be emptied and resolved, but tend to reoffend.


The vesicles are small skin detaches that contain liquid.Vesicles are often a condition linked to herpes or zona.Vesicles are not buttons that appear for no reason.It can also be a sign from the beginning of chickenpox but it is rather something that manifests in children.Whether they are herpes or zona, as a rule it leaves on its own unless it is a big push.In which case, it is advisable to take anti-herper or anti-zona medications, which are called antivirals.

How to know how to recognize a vesicle?

Vesicles are characterized by buttons with small bulbs with clear liquid content.Indeed the vesicles are small blisters which are generally flexible and a little shiny.These are lesions that often cause itching.The evolution of a vesicle is made towards a drying up of the lesion in a few days, until the appearance of a crust.This creates a small scar which can persist for some time.

Milium grains

There is not really any cause that explains the appearance of milium grains, it can happen to anyone.Even if some dermatologists would explain their appearance because of the application of too rich creams, abusive exposure to UV or the excessive use of overly aggressive products or gestures."Nor is there any treatment, strictly speaking. When a person wants to get rid of these small white pimples, an extraction must be made in a dermatologist," explains Dre Roos.

How to know how to recognize milium grains?

Milium grains are easily identifiable because they are small white or yellowish points 1 or 2 mm in diameter, quite dry that is generally found on the surface of the skin, around the eyes but not only.These are often isolated buttons, dispersed in the face.Milium grains can also be found in the form of plates with fifty or a hundred milium grains on red skin.This type of milium grains is rather found on the cheeks and sometimes on the eyelids.


Rosacea is a lesion of the skin linked to sensitive skin and rosacea.

How to know how to recognize pimples linked to rosacea?

This particularly affects people with clear skin who have very sensitive skins, who blush easily.The buttons will develop mainly on the cheeks and manifesting themselves by redness.These are small pimples that do not leave.They settle down and only get worse.These are pimples that cannot be pierced because there is nothing that will get out of it.There are specific treatments for rosacea that will improve things.


Acne is a pilosébaceous dufollicule inflammatory disease.In acne, sebum is secreted in excess and it therefore becomes thick.Dead cells obstruct the pores of the skin and it is in this rich environment, that a bacteria usually present on the skin, the propionibacterium acnes, proliferates abnormally.This therefore leads to the appearance of acne lesions.

Acne affects one in two women in adulthood.Anyone can therefore be touched by this skin disease.This does not necessarily touch a person who had a lot of acne during adolescence as the Dre Nina Roos specifies:

How to know how to recognize acne pimples?

Acne is presented under different types of buttons.It does not necessarily manifest itself by nodules as is the case for severe acne.Indeed, many pimples such as papules, pustules or even microystes are all forms of acne.

In general, it is quite easy to make the difference visually between all these types of pimples, even if acne and rosacea buttons can sometimes be alike.In addition, it is even possible to have both at the same time.It is therefore important when you have any recurring button problem, whatever it is, to take stock with your dermatologist in order to establish a diagnosis.Indeed, this will allow you to choose the care adapted to the needs of your skin.

À lire aussi

Pregnancy pimples

The appearance of pimples during pregnancy is often linked to acne, it can also be linked to rosacea.Most of the time, the appearance of these buttons is related to hormonal changes in pregnancy.

This can also be linked to changes in eating habits."It is common for pregnant women to have cravings or a big appetite for unusual foods for them which can sometimes be of poor nutritional or very sweet quality. This will therefore result in the skin fairly quickly," explains Dre Roos.

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The menstrual cycle buttons

The appearance of buttons linked to the menstrual cycle is caused by the hormonal changes that the woman's bodies undergo for each cycle.It is particularly linked to the drop in estrogen as you approach the rules.Again, it is a type of button that is considered acne.More than one in two women are affected by the appearance of buttons during the menstrual cycle.

How to know how to recognize buttons related to the hormonal cycle?

We observe the appearance of hormonal acne the week preceding the arrival of the rules, or during the week during which a woman is indisposed.This type of button often appears on the T zone, with buttons on the forehead, chin and nose.

Stress -related buttons

Stress buttons can also be linked to acne but not only.Indeed, stress -related buttons can be presented in different forms.The reactions vary from skin to skin, but in some people, this results in stimulation of the sebaceous glands, which produce too much sebum.Sebum then clogs the pores, so acne pimples are formed.

How to know how to recognize stress -related buttons?

Stress -related buttons are easily recognized because they appear in a very precise context.When a person experiences significant stress, suddenly in the form of a peak, or constant over a given period, the skin is unbalanced.This can therefore cause an eruption of pimples.Here in what forms can appear the stress -related buttons:

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Heat pimples

When it is hot, sweating is abundant and fails to evacuate properly as it usually does.Sweat then passes into the dermis and epidermis.So small pimples can appear on the face.Heat pimples can multiply if the skin is stifled under a nonrespiring material.The choice of clothing material is therefore very important.

How to know how to recognize heat pimples?

The heat-related buttons are manifested by small diameter buttons, red-rolled in color.They can appear on the face, as on the body.

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Auteur :
Madison Petit, Journaliste
Expert :
Dre Nina Roos, dermatologue, Dermatologue
Article publié le

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