Physiotherapy: technique, efficiency, for whom?

Terme ancien pour désigner l'utilisation de l'électricité, du chaud, du froid, ou encore des boues en kinésithérapie, le mot "physiothérapie" refait surface pour désigner la kinésithérapie à l'international. Existe-t-il des différences dans la pratique ? Réponses avec Nicolas Pinsault, kinésithérapeute, enseignant et chercheur.Physiothérapie : technique, efficacité, pour qui ? Physiothérapie : technique, efficacité, pour qui ?

Definition: What is physiotherapy?

"Physiotherapy is none other than physiotherapy," said Nicolas Pinsault, physiotherapist.These are two terms designating the same rehabilitation technique."Confusion (of the two terms) comes from the ancient use of the term physiology to designate, in the 1900s, the medical discipline that is current physiotherapy, with the use of electrodes, hot, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, coldMuds ... This term has fallen into disuse, but as physiotherapy results in "physiotherapy" in English -translation made by Canadians in the 1970s and 80s -, and that France and Belgium are the only countries toUse the term physiotherapy, physiotherapy tends to impose itself to designate the physiotherapist, "explains Nicolas Pinsault.In addition, "the word physiotherapist does not exist in France. But some therapists adopt this name to be" more visible "internationally".

What is the difference with physiotherapy?

"There is no difference between physiotherapy and physiotherapy" replies Nicolas Pinsault. The techniques used are the same. However, "the differences in cultures between Anglo-Saxon countries lead to differences in practice: Anglo-Saxon physiotherapists work more on the" Hand Off "(without touching with the hands), but in France, there is No distinction between physiotherapy and physiotherapy techniques. " The masseur-physiotherapist is a health professional who practices "acts carried out in a manual or instrumental manner, in particular for rehabilitation purposes, which aim to prevent the alteration of functional capacities, to contribute to their maintenance and, when They are altered, to restore them or to supplement them. These acts are adapted to the evolution of science and techniques ", according to the official definition of the field of competence of the physiotherapists. Depending on his diagnosis and medical prescription, the masseur-physiotherapist, or the physiotherapist, if the professional uses this name, may have to perform different acts:

The physiotherapist, or masseur-physiotherapist, can make use of complementary methods:

What are the indications?

Physiothérapie : technique, efficacité, pour qui ?

The indications of physiotherapy are the same as physiotherapy.They concern the following treatments, for all or part of the body:

What efficiency?

Physiotherapy has the same efficiency as physiotherapy, at least in France since there is no distinction in practice.It includes health promotion, prevention, physiotherapy diagnosis and the treatment of people's movement or motor skills, and deficiencies or alterations in functional capacities.

What happens during a session ?

The physiotherapy session is identical to that of physiotherapy, in France.The first session is devoted to an evaluation of the disorders to be treated (in accordance with the medical prescription), and to a diagnostic assessment which includes the possible analysis of radiographic or MRI examinations if there is an interrogation on the pain (s), on the history of the disease.

Where to do physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy being physiotherapy, it takes place in the office of a physiotherapist."If the physiotherapist designates himself under the term of physiotherapist, he will nevertheless apply an act of physiotherapy, the only profession having an agreement with health insurance" for the practice of his acts, underlines Nicolas Pinsault.

What are the contraindications?

Contraindications to physiotherapy are the same as those of physiotherapy.For example, thoracic physiotherapy cannot be practiced in the event of hemorrhagic diathesis (including therapeutic anticoagulation), discomfort due to certain positions or manipulations, high intracranial pressure, recent hemoptysis, rib fractures, fractures of the vertebrae,or osteoporosis.Certain symptoms also contraindicate the practice of cervical physiotherapy, such as bilateral paressthesia, spastic paresis, an exacerbation of osteo-tendine reflexes, radicular neurological signs (more than two adjacent metameric levels), progressive worsening ofNeurological signs, symptoms of upper cervical instability.

What are the risks and dangers?

Sometimes there are rare post-processing complications or incidents, or characteristics, or risk factors for pathological conditions that require medical advice to the practice of physiotherapy.In addition, certain symptoms require the prudence of the practitioner in his treatment.

What price and is it reimbursed?

Physiotherapy care is partially reimbursed by Social Security (up to 60% of the amount paid), provided that they are provided following a medical prescription.The majority of mutuals take care of the complement.Prices can be set in free fees, ranging from around twenty euros to more than 85 euros per session.For home care, and on Sundays, the price is increased according to the agreement established by health insurance.The physiotherapists have a duty to display their prices.

Thanks to Nicolas Pinsault, physiotherapist, teacher and researcher.

Physiothérapie : technique, efficacité, pour qui ?


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