Physiotherapist, here is why I do not recommend making pee in the shower - blog

Health - Ecolo, fast, practical, pee in the shower is often praised and praised!

But where does this belief come from?Is it a simple urban legend or on the contrary a real advice?

I hardly know the origin of this belief, but if you follow me on social networks, you will have guessed that I am not a fan of this practice.Indeed, urination is a well -oiled precision mechanic that mixes automated reflexes, muscles and other subtleties that urination in the shower can deregulate.

First, let's go back to the basis.

Urination and perineum

When we talk about urination (pee), we necessarily speak of perineum, very often assimilated to a muscle.However, it is not.The perineum is an area which closes the abdominal cavity from below and which actually contains several muscles, but not only.


There are organs such as rectum, anus, vagina;Just above, there is also the bladder, the uterus, and it is crossed among others by the urethra.

The muscles of the perineum, and in particular the sphincter of the urethra, block the evacuation of the urine.Indeed, these perineum muscles are one of the ramparts of your continence and prevent you from peeing without wanting.Because remember, a drop is already a leak and urinary leaks even if they are constantly trivialized are in no way normal.

Urination and bladder

Kiné, voici pourquoi je vous déconseille de faire pipi sous la douche - BLOG

When we talk about urination, it is obvious that we also talk about bladder, this ingenious tank that allows us not to pee permanently.Indeed the urine from the constant filtration of the blood by the kidneys, having an organ which serves as a reservoir so that one does not pee continuously is rather a rich idea!


The bladder is lined inside an intelligent membrane, the epithelium, and surrounded by a muscle, the detrusor: smooth muscle that works thanks to the automatic neurological system and that one cannot decide to contract when onewish.

Pipi in the shower: False good idea

Coming back to urination in the shower there are therefore 2 main contraindications:

How to “good” pee in the shower

Between the position which is not optimal to evacuate the urine and the risk of increasing the uncontrollable desires of peeing, the shower is therefore not the right place to relieve oneself.

And for the recalcitrants, too in a hurry or a professional pro, here are my little princess tips: I invite you to squat, because it is the natural position to evacuate the urine and to do it from the start of the shower, even beforeWater does not flow!

You can follow Princess Périne on her Facebook and Instagram accounts.

To see also on the HuffPost: why this sudden need to go peeing?

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Perineum princess

Physiotherapist and osteopath

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