La candidose buccale, plus connue sous le nom de muguet buccal, se rencontre chez le nourrisson ou chez l’adulte, et correspond à une infection de la bouche par des champignons microscopiques, les Candida. Santé Sur le Net vous éclaire sur les symptômes, la durée de l’infection, les circonstances de survenue et les traitements de cette infection mycologique.
What is the definition of oral candidiasis?Viruses and bacteria are the most frequently involved pathogens in infections.But we must not forget the microscopic fungi, sometimes responsible for serious infections.Among them are the candies of the genus Candida, responsible for infections called candidiasis.These yeasts are naturally present in the microbial flora of the organism, but in certain circumstances which unbalance the flora, they become pathogenic and cause infections.
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— Jaylan Fri Sep 18 18:45:33 +0000 2020
Candidiasis can remain located in terms of skin and mucous membranes, for example in the case of oral candidiasis or oral lily of the valve, but they can also affect an organ or disseminate to the whole body.Buccal lily of the valley or oral candidiasis is found at all ages of life, but is more frequent in some people:
Buccal valley or oral candidiasis can go unnoticed in certain subjects.Classically, the symptoms of oral candidiasis are:
To know !In breastfed infants who have oral thrush, a risk of mother -child contamination is possible with breast damage and nipples.A treatment of the mother and the child is then essential to allow the continuation of breastfeeding
The symptoms of oral candidiasis are not without consequence on daily life, with difficulties to swallow, a modification of tastes, burning sensations or pain in the mouth.Infants tend to cry, especially at mealtime.Identify symptoms of oral candidiasis from the early stages allows suitable treatment and reduces the consequences and risks of complications.Most often, examination of the mouth is enough for the doctor to diagnose candidiasis, without necessarily using microbiological analyzes.With treatment, the duration of oral candidiasis is 1 to 3 weeks.
In infants without particular health problems, antifungal treatment is not always necessary.In children, fragile infants and adults, several treatments are possible:
Throughout the treatment and even to prevent recurrences, good oral hygiene is recommended, as well as smoking cessation.It is also advisable to reduce its consumption of foods rich in sugars or acids.In all cases, detecting and treating oral candidiasis is essential to prevent the evolution and spread of this fungal infection, which in the most fragile can become serious.
Estelle B., Pharmacist
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