Utilisée depuis l’Antiquité dans la médecine et les cosmétiques, l’argile est une poudre naturelle issue d’une roche volcanique. Si on a l’habitude de l’utiliser sur notre peau, les masques à l’argile ont de multiples bienfaits pour nos cheveux ! Riche en fer, minéraux, calcium, magnésium et oligo-éléments, la couleur de l'argile varie selon la quantité d’oxydes de fer qu’elle contient. En la mélangeant à de l’eau, on obtient ainsi une pâte rose, verte, blanche ou jaune, avec différentes propriétés et bienfaits. Tour d’horizon des masques à l’argile à adopter selon nos besoins !
Among its many virtues, clay has a strong absorption power: this is why it is used on our face to eliminate excess sebum and cleanse pores from the skin.On the hair, it's the same!A clay mask will absorb sebum and toxins and fight against dandruff to find a healthy scalp.We mix 4 tablespoons of green clay with lukewarm water until you get a paste.It is applied to the scalp while massaging, then let it be placed for 20 minutes.We take the opportunity to apply vegetable oil on lengths and tips to hydrate the hair.We rinse everything well, and we get healthy and purified hair!
Also called Kaolin, white clay is recommended for dry, dull hair, weakened by colors.Little mineralized, it regulates sebum and brings a dose of hair and scalp hydration.4 tablespoons of white clay are mixed with lukewarm water until you get a paste.We can also add a few drops of avocado or argan vegetable oil to our mask to hydrate and protect the hair.After 20 minutes of installation, we rinse abundantly for hydrated and shiny hair!
Pink clay is a mixture between white and red clay.It thus combines iron oxides and a very soft and moisturizing powder.To combat irritation or dandruff, it will soothe and relieve sensitive hair leathers.We mix 4 tablespoons of pink clay with lukewarm water until you get a paste.A few drops of lavender oils can also be added for its healing and regenerating properties.Apply on the scalp and let put 15 minutes before rinsing.
Rich in ferric ions and oxides, yellow clay eliminates toxins and gives brightness to dull and tired hair.We mix 4 tablespoons of yellow clay with lukewarm water until you get a paste that is applied to the whole of our hair.After 15 to 20 minutes of installation, the hair is revitalized, shiny and find their volume!
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