Nutrition: Good for you or not? Some misconceptions Tendances Première: The Dossier

A few years ago, fat was stigmatized. Nowadays, many studies show above all the harmful influence of sugar on our organism.

Today we believe that we should not necessarily eat less fat but that we should eat better fat. Some fatty acids are essential to our body. In addition, fats help transport vitamins and other nutrients through our body.

On the other hand, it is essential to reduce the intake of saturated fatty acids. Foods that mainly contain saturated fatty acids are for example butter, ghee, lard/cooking fat, whole milk, cheese, fatty meat or meat products (e.g. sausages) and poultry, red palm oil and coconut.

►►► Also read: How to choose the right fat?

Nutrition: Good for Health or Not Some Trends Misconceptions Premiere: The Dossier

According to dietician Geneviève Vanbellinghen, you can eat butter and cheese in reasonable amounts. But it must be supplemented in another meal with olive oil and sesame oil for cooking. Do not hesitate, either, to add walnut oil or rapeseed oil. 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 3 tablespoons of rapeseed oil per day are a recommended dose.

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