Niger: Pakistan wants to invest in several sectors and offer scholarships to students

(Ecofin agency) - Development of a textile industry, tanneries and irrigated agriculture, cooperation in the health field, students' scholarships: Pakistan promises Mohamed Bazoum very active support.

After an interview he had with the new president Mohamed Bazoum, the Pakistan ambassador to Niger, Ahmed Ali Sirohey announced that his country offered 200 scholarships for the benefit of Nigerian students.Half, or 100 scholarships have been granted to local level through public and private universities in Niger and 100 other scholarships are intended for Nigerian students wishing to study in Pakistan.

The exchanges between the diplomat and the head of state also focused on agricultural cooperation.Ahmed Ali Sirohey announced that his country was intended to support Niger in the development of irrigated agriculture.Cooperation in the health and education field has also been there."Specialized hospitals will be created in order to offer quality health services and at a lower cost to the populations," said the Pakistani ambassador for this purpose.

Niger : le Pakistan veut investir dans plusieurs secteurs et offrir des bourses aux étudiants

Ahmed Ali Sirohey also said that he had discussed with President Bazoum of the Niamey textile industry as well as the boosting of basketwork like that of Maradi."Pakistani investors are already ready to come to see to what extent resume the Niamey textile industry and run it," he said before continuing by indicating that "Niger has a large livestock of leather so leatheravailable.Unfortunately, this material is not worked to be transformed into a finished product intended for industrial consumption.In this sense also, Pakistani investors are ready to come and take these tanneries to make them work in order to produce leather products that come exclusively from the Nigerian livestock ”.

Besides these discussions oriented towards development and economic cooperation, the Pakistani diplomat had notably come to give Mohamed Bazoum an invitation for an official visit to Pakistan, which the latter accepted.

Niger and Pakistan, both members of the Islamic Ummah have been maintaining cooperation relations in many sectors for several years.

Mawulolo Ahlijah

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