The health situation is deteriorating day by day then, to curb the epidemic, the port of the compulsory mask signs its return to the streets of many cities.This is particularly the case in Paris and in practically the whole Île-de-France region.Valérie Pécresse, the president of this region and candidate the Republicans in the presidential election criticizes this measure.
"I think that today we manage the situation day by day and without consultation," deplores Valérie Pécresse."This question of the mask in Paris was not discussed, to my knowledge, with any of the elected officials of the capital and in any case not with the president of the Île-de-France region".
The measure was announced by the Paris prefecture on Wednesday, December 29.It concerns all people over the age of 11, "with the exception of people traveling inside vehicles, cyclists and users of the two wheels" or "people practicing a sporting activity".
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— Afrie Irham Fri Jul 23 06:26:38 +0000 2021
Coupe de France - The Girondins de Bordeaux are struck hard by the epidemic.At least 21 players are unavailable for the 16th finals of the French Football Cup scheduled for Sunday in Brest.Hunting accidents - A man was killed Wednesday during a hunting game.This is the 80th fatal hunting accident in 2021.
À écouter aussiL'invité de RTL SoirJean-Michel Blanquer est l'invité de RTL Soirvendredi 28 janvier- 19m12sNew year - Road safety continues its prevention on New Years Day.During Christmas Eve 2019/2020, 20 people lost their lives due to drinking driving.This year, however, there is a certain awareness among the French.
La rédaction vous recommandeÀ lire aussimanifestationsPasse vaccinal : près de 30.000 manifestants samedi dans toute la FranceCoronavirus France Valérie Pécresse Paris
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