My turmeric beauty recipes | close-header

Turmeric is a staple in Indian cuisine. This yellow spice is a rhizome, an underground stem, used in Asia for centuries to preserve the freshness and flavor of food. In traditional medicine, it is recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial action thanks to the curcumin it contains. It is a superfood that would relieve the joints. In powder, infusion or even as a food supplement, it is the ally of our health.

In beauty, turmeric is used for its purifying power and because it gives a healthy glow thanks to its yellow color. Attention ! It is to be handled with care because it dyes the fingers yellow... You can possibly wear gloves.

Mes recettes beautΓ© au curcuma | fermer-header

ZoΓ© Armbruster, author of the book Healthy & Beautiful (First Editions), shares her beautifully spiced beauty recipes with us.

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