Miss France 2022 - "I would like to be Jean Dujardin au feminin": the quirky interview with Charlotte Faure, Miss Rhône -Alpes

My cult movie

Shutter Island because it is an unpredictable film.Until the end I did not know what the outcome would be.It is a very well constructed film in terms of the script and Leonardo DiCaprio is obviously an iconic and unavoidable actor.

My favourite series

Murder because the series revolves around law and justice.Subjects that I appreciate a lot and that interests me a lot because I would also have liked to study law.Viola Davis alias Annalise Keating embodies a very charismatic character.

My shameful song

Miss France 2022 -

"How the liar" by Dorothée.

My icon

Jean Dujardin because I really like his charisma, his humor and I admire his success.He was someone who knew how to keep his feet on the ground despite the success, he kept his authenticity.I would like to be Jean Dujardin in the feminine.

My famous crush

Singer Zayn Malik.Because since I was a teenager, I have been her career: from one to direction to her solo career.

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