"Blue Miracle": how of vulgar sachets of land have become a questionable business on social networks

In 2021, Facebook groups praising the benefits of a "miracle powder" have multiplied.The Canadian Company Black Oxygen Organics behind this product made internet users mirrors miraculous medical benefits and the prospect of fast earnings to those who would join its sales network.Problem, this supposedly revolutionary product was literally made up ....

With the arrival of winter frosts, we sometimes leaf through ancient grimoires in search of grandmother's remedies.We all have all our pseudo-therapeutic tips, each corresponding to a very specific hassle.But imagine for a moment a miracle remedy that would heal everything, from dry skin to Alzheimer's disease, including insect bites, constipation and other digestive ailments.

Impossible ?Black Oxygen Organics, Boo for friends, has worked to make the opposite believe.From May to November 2021, this enigmatic Canadian enterprise sold millions of "miracle powder" sachets online.But in exchange for a hundred dollars against this supposed revolutionary product, consumers found themselves with ....No more no less.

This is a story to say the least incredible on which NBC News investigated last December.How all these Internet users were so easily and massively duped, to the point of ordering a handful of earth that they could have picked up anywhere, to apply it on the skin, bathe in or even the'ingest?

A miracle component

Black Oxygen Organics puts above all the emphasis on the composition of its products.Tablets, powder or even masks, all are presented as real "treasures of nature".The 125 grams of powder bag has the following mention: "This product is an excellent source of fulvical, organic, humic acid, trace elements, electrolytes and antioxidants.»»

The company prides itself on extracting its miracle remedy from a peat bog from the Ouataouais valley, Ontario in.One of the living sources richest in fulvical minerals in the world, the exclusive rights of which it would hold.This fulvic acid is presented as a real medical black gold whose list of virtues would be endless.It would slow up aging, reduce the risks of flu, colds, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, arthritis, wounds, insect bites, eczema, Alzheimer's or even cancer, but would also promote weight loss, digestion, hair growth or healing.This is in any case what relentlessly repeat the supporters of Black Oxygen Organics (Boo).

Because it was they who, using a huge constellation of Facebook groups, managed to broadcast these pseudo-scientific beliefs as largely.Thanks to an almost sectary embrigation system, Black Oxygen Organics has generated millions of dollars of profit.

Multi-level marketing drifts

« Boue miracle » : comment de vulgaires sachets de terre sont devenus un business douteux sur les réseaux sociaux

Everything was played in the meanders of Facebook groups.Animated for the vast majority by English -speaking members, these circles have continued to boast the merits of the Black Oxygen Organics products, bringing together the curious to convince them to acquire them.For good reason: Boo is based on multi-level marketing, or MLM in English (multi-level marketing).No physical shop or direct sales therefore, but individuals who order and then sell stocks to others online.They can make profit from two ways: the first, by selling the maximum of products via their Facebook group;the second, by recruiting new resellers and resellers.

According to Robert L.Fitzpatrick, president of the American association Pyramid Scheme Alert and author of the book Ponzinomics, The Untold Story of Multi-Level Marketing, multi-level marketing is "a delusional thinking system that presents the pyramidal scheme as a viable economic model, but which is based on the deception.»» Un fonctionnement qui ne profite ni aux revendeurs, ni aux consommateurs, selon lui. « En réalité, 99% de ceux qui se lancent dedans perdent de l’argent»», indique-t-il à Numerama.

Since Neutral Light, an undue vitamin that was presented as a miracle remedy in 1945, new MLMS continues to emerge.Today, social networks represent an ideal field for the development of this fraudulent financial system. « Les MLMs reposent sur des croyances délirantes, qui fonctionnent mieux lorsqu’elles sont partagées de façon virale»», précise FitzPatrick.Where Black Oxygen Organics is distinguished, and it's a bit astounding, it is that they are the only ones to literally sell earth. C’est une absurdité, une ineptie totale !»» Un non-sens qui est selon lui rendu possible par les méthodes d’embrigadement quasi-sectaires de ces MLMs.

Facebook groups with virtual sects

It is true that in these groups, created between May and June 2021 the pro-Fulvical Pro-Acide discourse is similar to that of a real cult.Most of the time, creators of these community bubbles multiply pseudo-scientific publications, full of extracts from so-called studies or quotes from unknown researchers.Everything is done to create an illusion of scientific legitimacy, and therefore of truth.

A real work of indoctrination, reinforced by the voluntarily endorsement of the posts. Smileys enjoués, réactivité dans les commentaires, citations creuses à prétention philosophique — « Chaque jour est un nouveau départ, prenez une grande inspiration et recommencez»»- , témoignages à rallonge… Dans un groupe Facebook, une revendeuse raconte par exemple comment une cure de six mois lui a permis de retrouver son énergie, sa joie de vivre, une peau « super douce»», des couleurs au visage et des cheveux fortifiés.All this using the product in foot baths, facial masks ... and ingesting every morning on an empty stomach.

But these methods gradually arouse suspicion, pushing the moderators to redouble their prudence.Most of the groups, created in public, were passed in private in September 2021.Their regulations prohibit members from sending private messages between them.The only possible communication channel remains the direct exchange with the group creator.Information on the sale of the product is transmitted by private message, never at the sight of all.Finally, to dodge Facebook's moderation rules, no illness name is full and certain letters are replaced by punctuation signs. Le cancer devient « can(er»» ou « [email protected]@r»» ; Alzheimer se transforme en « @!zheim*r»» ; et l’eczéma en « e([email protected]»».But these measures were not enough, and the criticisms ended up emerging on other Facebook groups thanks to the actions of anti-MLM activists.

« J’ai vomi 20 minutes après en avoir bu»»

On these Facebook groups, but also on other platforms like Tiktok or Instagram, Internet users have started to analyze and contradict the allegations held by Boo.The objective: to raise awareness of this type of scam, and to repair the damage suffered.

Car les témoignages négatifs affluent, avec des récits parfois effarants : « J’ai vomi 20 minutes après avoir bu une petite quantité de BOO»», écrit une certaine Amy Roberts.Another tells that they don't feel well after trying to ingest spoons of Boo several times."When I asked my supplier to reimburse me, she told me that her inner voice felt that it would end up working.»» Autre découverte alarmante : la fameuse tourbière d’où provient l’acide fulvique longerait une déchetterie, avertit une internaute.

The Canadian Health Department, Health Canada, intervened by demanding an immediate reminder of tablets and powders.On the other side of the border, the U.S.Food and Drug Administration has recommended to purely and simply throw away all Black Oxygen Organics products, likely to contain significant amounts of lead and arsenic.

The founder as well as the Vice-President of Boo economic development preferred to stop the business activity on November 23.A simple email was sent to all consumers and resellers, leaving several thousand of them with debts, unable to stock up and provide their customers in North America.Collective complaints are currently underway.Few French and French have been affected: there are only a handful of French -speaking Facebook groups linked to Black Oxygen Organics.

Overall, in January 2021, there were 1 million French people involved in network marketing. Selon un rapport récent de la Mission Interministérielle de Vigilance et de Lutte contre les Dérives Sectaires, les jeunes entre 16 et 25 ans sont particulièrement vulnérables, susceptibles d’être « séduits par l’idée de gagner d’importantes sommes d’argent très facilement»».A situation that is not ready to arrange, regrets Fitzpatrick: the only solution would be to multiply the awareness campaigns on this subject, in particular on social networks, where many scams have developed, develop andwill still develop.

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