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— Greg Sederberg Sun Dec 15 16:10:26 +0000 2019
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Procréation médicale assistéePublished on September 29, 2021 - Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (Prime Minister)
Medically assisted procreation (PMA) is now possible for all women (heterosexual, homosexual or single -parent).An implementing decree of the bioethics law as well as a decree published on September 29, 2021 in the Official Journal.They specify the age conditions to benefit from medical assistance to procreation (AMP) or a conservation of its gametes without medical reasons.
Medical assistance to procreation (AMP) now allows a couple made up of 2 women or a single woman to have a child.It has so far been reserved for heterosexual couples on medical indication.The infertility medical criterion has also been deleted.The age conditions to benefit from it are as follows:
So that they can later resort to an AMP, women and men can freeze their gametes (oocytes or sperm) without medical reasons.The age conditions are thus fixed:
The rules of good clinical and biological practices defined by the decree of April 11, 2008 apply to medical assistance activities for procreation implemented at the request of couples of women and women not married.
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