On entre petit à petit dans la période de l'année, ou les plats réconfortants et souvent gras s'invitent à nos tables. On a beau les aimer, ils sont généralement les ennemis de notre ligne. Vous l'aurez bien compris, on parle bien entre autres, de la raclette la tartiflette et de la fondue. Le problème, c'est qu'avec tous ces mets, notre ventre a tendance à se faire plus voyant qu'avant. Du coup, certaines femmes ont tendance à complexer et à se sentir mal une fois l'été venu et la saison des bikinis ouverte. Bien que tous les corps soient beaux et que chaque femme est libre ou non de perdre du poids, on vous livre nos petites astuces pour maigrir du ventre et se débarrasser de sa brioche sans faire de sport.
To lose weight in the belly, our diet must undergo some changes. Certain foods must be limited or even banish, and others are to be consumed without moderation. For example, when you try to lose abdominal fat, you tend to rush on salads and raw vegetables, wrongly. To really lose it, it is better to favor cooked vegetables whose fibers facilitate digestion. You can also count on spices and spices which have many anti-ballooning virtues that should not be overlooked. Thanks to their tastes, they also allow us to have a lighter hand on salt, and certain spices even have a burnt-fat effect. Besides, salt increases appetite and promotes water retention, which swells the lower body and the belly. It will therefore be avoided. We find it in industrial dishes that we will have to relax in favor of homemade meals, which allow us to manage what we really eat. We will include legumes and whole grains, but also fruits and vegetables, for their fiber content which promotes digestion, and therefore deflation of the belly. If dairy products have their places in our diet, it is still necessary to consume them in moderation. Dairy products contain lactose which can sometimes cause bloating. White sugar is to ban your race list forever if you want to lose weight. It does not contain any nutrients, and quickly turns into fat difficult to destock. It is better to promote full sugar.
Now that we have the foods that want us good, there are other improbable tips that can revolutionize our way of eating.For example, drink a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach.As acidic, this drink, it allows you to relaunch the digestive system.A simple but effective habit to take that we are used to neglecting: to realize that we eat.To avoid bloating and feel satiety after 30 minutes, it is important to take the time to chew, to take breaks and stay sitting.And if you are a follower of bread, remember to grill it now.Bread is not really recommended when you want to lose weight from the belly, because it tends to swell the stomach, making it grill makes it more digestible.But above all, the most important thing to do before embarking on weight loss is to ask your doctor for advice.
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