Losing stomach weight: the most effective exercises and sports to lose abdominal fat

Not long ago, we talked about the alternative of losing belly without sport. And even if it seems to be a tempting solution at first glance, it is not so effective. Since it is well known that the combination of a healthier lifestyle and physical training is the best guarantee of satisfactory results. Do you agree with this view? Take advantage of our selection of the best exercise ideas to lose stomach.

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  • 3 What sport to lose stomach?
  • Pourquoi est-il important de perdre la graisse du ventre ?

    In fact, excess abdominal fat can lead to certain diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, high blood pressure and many others. This is why it is important not only to keep one's caloric intake, but also to play sports regularly.

    What exercise to lose stomach? Zoom in on the most popular and effective variants

    What exercise to lose stomach?

    According to professional coaches, the best alternative to losing stomach is to combine a variety of exercises (cardio, HIIT and strength). No idea where to start your sports adventure? You are then shared with an effective collection of ABS exercises.

    Let's go to a magnifying glass the most popular exercises to lose abdominal fat

    Exercise low abdomen-strained leg crunch

    This type of crunche is perfect for working the lower ABS while losing fat and enjoying a flat belly. Thanks to the position of the legs, you increase in intensity (compared to the classic crunche).


    1. Commencez par vous allonger sur le dos.
    2. Tendez les jambes à vertical.
    3. Faites de même avec les mains.
    4. Lever le buste pour toucher les jambes.
    5. Redescendez doucement.

    Making strained leg crunches: a more intensive variant of classic exercise

    How can I lose my stomach? With crunches!

    Crunches are one of the most popular sports methods for losing abdominal fat. This is why it is advisable to include them in your sports routine.

    Maigrir du ventre : les exercices et les sports les plus efficaces pour perdre la graisse abdominale


    Normally, there are multiple variations of the crunche. Here are some tips on how to make the classic version:

    1. Vous devez vous allonger et plier les genoux en posant les pieds à plat.
    2. Ensuite, il faut lever les mains et positionner les paumes derrière la tête.
    3. Commencez ainsi à soulever doucement le haut du corps en contractant les muscles abdominaux (sans oublier de rentrer le ventre).

    If you are beginners, you can do 10 crunches per series and about two to three runs a day.

    Crunches are the best known abdominal exercise

    An exercise that looks a little like the classic sheathing. And yet, here, we have to move our knees. This makes movement much more difficult than ordinary sheathing.


    1. Commencez par une position de gainage : positionner son corps face au sol, avec les pointes des pieds et les mains tendues.
    2. Miser sur un alignement droit de la tête aux pieds.
    3. Soulevez doucement votre pied gauche en ramenant le genou vers la poitrine. Faites de même avec le pied droit et alternez les jambes.

    Mountain climbers are an alternative to ordinary but more intense and difficult sheathing

    How can I have a flat belly? With the bicycle ABS

    An exercise that allows us to mimic the movements of cycling even without having such equipment. What's more, we practice it in an elongated version!


    1. Commencez par vous allonger sur le sol.
    2. Placez vos mains derrière la tête ou sur les côtés.
    3. Pliez et soulevez les jambes et le haut du corps. En ce moment, les parties qui touchent le sol sont uniquement le bas du dos et les fesses.
    4. Faire toucher un des genoux au coude opposé et alternez.

    Bicycle ABS are another popular option to lose belly fat

    Idea of exercise flat belly beginner: posture cobra

    One of the most popular postures in yoga-cobra posture, is considered a fantastic exercise to target the abdominal area by carving the belly and getting rid of fat.


    1. Commencez par vous allonger sur votre ventre. Les pieds doivent être écartés l’un de l’autre.
    2. Appuyez doucement sur les mains et soulevez la poitrine.
    3. Rabaisser le haut du corps pour revenir à la position de départ.

    The cobra posture is an excellent idea for beginners

    Russian twist: a woman's flat belly exercise for oblique

    This popular exercise improves the strength of the body and sculpts the oblique. We can do it with or without a medicine ball.


    1. Commencez par vous asseoir sur le sol.
    2. Pliez les genoux et décollez les pieds du sol.
    3. Maintenant, vous devez vous penchez en arrière.
    4. Commencez à tourner le torse vers la gauche, puis vers la droite tout en serrant les muscles obliques.

    Looking for ideas to sculpt the oblique? Russian twists are a good exercise.

    What sport to lose stomach?

    Normally, the choice of sport and exercise depends on several factors and it is strongly recommended that you consult a specialist to find the best solution for your case together. This makes it possible to experiment with different types of sport and pleasant exercises. Let's see a brief overview of the most popular variants.

    Plenty of sports alternatives to be in good shape


    And to stay in the cardio training setting, pedaling turns out to be still a fantastic option to burn calories. Not only is the bike an eco-friendly alternative to travel, but it allows you to lose fat in the area of the belly, waist and thighs.

    A beneficial option for our health and for the planet: cycling


    Even the simplest cardio exercises can be beneficial to keep your body in good shape. Persistence and a balanced diet are, however, two crucial factors.

    Walking regularly for half an hour can contribute to fat loss

    Belly exercises

    There are plenty of exercises for tummy loss and abdominal strengthening. Crunches are probably the best known variant. If you are interested in an alternative, take a look at our previous ideas of tummy exercises that you can practice at home.

    A multitude of exercises to sculpt your body and lose belly

    Zumba training

    To increase intensity, the next solution we propose is zumba. A super fun and effective training alternative that has many health benefits. Among the best known are: lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, improved cardiovascular functions or also loss of fat in the belly area.

    Lose weight while having fun with a zumba workout

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