Long breath diet: the breathing method that promises spectacular weight loss

Method 3-3-3, Sakuma, 12-5-30... Techniques to transform your figure and lose weight quickly have multiplied in recent years. In general, these sports routines are composed of different movements and exercises. But other methods, such as the "long breath diet", offer to lose weight without making significant efforts.

The "long breath diet" was publicized by Japanese actor Miki Ryosuke. He discovered it by accident while looking for ways to relieve his back pain. After experimenting with it, he realized that his body had both sculpted and slimmed down. Thanks to this breathing exercise, which is not new, the actor says he lost 13 kilos and 12 cm from his waist in 6 weeks.

Long breath diet: what is the principle of this breathing method?

The "long breath diet" is a breathing technique originating in Japan. The latter consists of controlling your breathing. For this, it is advisable to alternate between the inspiration phase and the exhalation phase. According to Miki Ryosuke, practicing the "long breath diet", namely breathing deeply and for a long time, for 2 to 5 minutes every day would be enough to lose weight.

Long breath diet: how can you lose weight through breathing?

Breathing would promote weight loss because when we breathe, we inhale oxygen. The oxygen in question will attack the fats. After this contact, the fat cells break down. This process promotes fat burning. In other words, the more you breathe, the more fat you burn.

Long breath diet : la méthode de respiration qui promet une perte de poids spectaculaire

Several works have extolled the merits of breathing in the context of weight loss. This is the case of a study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2010. The latter was conducted among people with obesity. The scientists asked them to perform breathing exercises.

"After repeating the exercises for a month, the obese patients showed significant loss of body fat. The breathing exercise was found to be effective for weight loss in obesity, probably by regulating the nervous system and the hormone secretion," the researchers said.

But beware, this method of breathing alone does not allow you to obtain good results. In order for it to bear fruit, it is obviously necessary to adopt a balanced and varied diet and to practice physical activity.

How do you practice the "long breath diet"?

To perform this breathing exercise, stand upright and place one foot in front of the other. We put all our weight on the foot located behind. Then inhale for 3 seconds. During this inspiration, the arms should be raised and placed above the head. Then we exhale for 7 seconds by contracting the stomach muscles and letting the arms go down.

Long breath diet: what are the contraindications?

This method of breathing is not suitable for everyone. It is not recommended for patients with heart and respiratory problems, namely asthmatics. If you suffer from it, you should seek the advice of your doctor before practicing the long breath diet.

Read also :

⋙ 12-5-30 method: what is this sports routine that allows you to lose weight sustainably and effectively?

⋙ Phyto detox "1 of 7": what is this simple method to lose weight permanently?

⋙ 3-3-3 method: what is this sports routine that allows you to refine your silhouette quickly?

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