Letter for a certain category of vaccinated


There are selfish cretins among the population, terrorists in the pay of the virus who have abused their rights and freedoms, the free and informed consent provided for by law under article L 1111 -4 of the health code public and article 55 of the French constitution of October 4, 1958. They even went to dig into the charter of fundamental rights of the European union at resolution 2361 point 7.3.1 to extract this passage: ensure that citizens are informed that vaccination is not compulsory and that no one is subject to political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated if they do not wish to do so personally. “These well-meaning disruptors must be censored, that their names be given to brigades, agents who will knock on their doors to harass these pests of society refusing new experimental technologies and wallowing in obscurantism .They have the nerve to say that conditional marketing authorizations for experimental drugs, even in the context of an emergency, should not be issued when there are effective treatments, all the more when the benefit/risk balance observed during the experimentation phase is not conclusive. Vaccinated from all countries unite! You are the target of infamous irresponsible people who, with a monster nerve, dare to show themselves in front of you in good health. They demand that we release hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as a preventive treatment. But we all know that it is worth nothing financially and that would expose the illegality of the juicy vaccination campaign not compulsory but subject to obligation. The vaccination campaign must continue. From contact cases to successive waves, varying the pleasures and multiple doses, the syringe will win. Signed Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca and Janssen

Citizens stripped of your freedoms! You who understood that the only obligation you should have was to inform yourself, you who immediately had the reflex to question yourselves, to interrogate yourselves, to doubt and to seek the opinion of specialists other than those of TV sets full of conflicts of interest just like those of the defense health council. This freedom to want to inform yourself by yourself has led you to failure. The failure to submit, to fall into line. Now you are doing violence to yourself to keep calm in the face of a single discourse that goes down the stairs, goes to the garbage cans, walks on the sidewalks, takes public transport, makes the queuing at the shops, at your place of work and who talks to you. You feel deep down that propaganda is no longer done by TV or newspapers but by ordinary people convinced that civic duty is in the syringe and obedience.

It makes me angry at those vaccinees who have accepted all the lies without any resistance. Angry when I hear my neighbor complaining about the waiting time for his third dose and his pass which ends in January. Didn't he and still haven't managed to leave this buffoonish media series broadcast every day on all television channels. From captive spectators, they have become the lobotomized actors of the COVID series, engaged in limitless madness. Soon the next season with the children, they will participate in this appalling media series. Pfizer has appealed to children for this new series. The children who will have received the injection will be “superheroes” endowed with “superpowers”.

This saga of fear injected every day, only the alternative media could try to put an end to it by providing information on the real state of the health crisis and putting an end to this misinformation. But these alternative media were immediately labeled "conspiratorial", dragged through the mud and censored for having attempted a dialogue by offering critical points of view. ATIH which confirms the extraordinary exaggeration of hospitalizations in connection with COVID-19. "COVID patients represent 2% of all patients hospitalized during the year 2020, all hospital fields combined" and which had been mentioned by conspirators well before this publication. But this report is not anxiety-provoking and does not not corresponding with the figures of the non-conspirators, this report will very quickly be evacuated from their daily newspapers. Still according to the non-conspirators, charlatans have met in a committee of "Independent Scientific Council". One of their publications ends as follows: “The injections of genetic material for vaccine purposes in individuals in good health (or not suffering from serious and fatal pathologies) are completely new. However, in the context of an experimental injection, a very strict procedure is necessary to assess the medium and long-term adverse effects with three phases which last on average 9 to 10 years for a vaccine. Phase I allows a small number of patients to assess the dose, frequency of administration and toxicity. Phase II confirms the effectiveness of the chosen dose. Phase III lasts 4-5 years and allows evaluation on a large number of patients by comparing it to a standard treatment or a placebo group. Finally, the post-market phase IV allows any serious and/or unexpected side effects to be identified. In the case of the mRNA vaccine against COVID-19, phase III was conducted in parallel with phase IV and the follow-up is currently less than 1 year. »

In summary, the injections of genetic material for vaccine purposes in individuals not suffering from serious and fatal pathologies and what is more, in an entire population and without follow-up (less than 1 year) does not correspond to a very scientific procedure. . Never mind, let's not be alarmed, the scientific health defense council will reveal its secret personal data in 50 years. "The deliberations of Emmanuel Macron's Health Defense Council, which managed this crisis, are normally "confidential for the next fifty years". The health defense council does not need to justify itself or discuss it with non-aligned people who ignore the dominant doctrine of power. He has other secret imperatives to deal with. This vaccine that is supposed to protect has never only been 95% reliable. But in order not to upset those convinced of the vaccine or make them depressed and suicidal, let's say that it is 35% reliable... Normally a vaccine prevents you from being sick, a vaccine that does not protect is not a vaccine. A real vaccine, insists Christian Perronne, prevents being contaminated, being a carrier of the virus, whereas with the products currently used, even if one is inoculated, one can be "carrier and contagious". A vaccine that must be renewed every 6 months is unheard of, you can't call it a vaccine. On the date of 10/12/21 we are talking about a renewal every three months. On the other hand, the vaccine does not lack side effects. Quiet ! Do not talk about it if you want to take your third dose without discussing it, it is about health for some and the Sanitary Pass for others.

Letter to a certain category of vaccinees

And if the vaccinated are still capable of contaminating each other dose after dose, why insist on wanting to protect themselves from the unvaccinated by imposing restrictions on them with the health pass? Can we still hope for the miraculous dose that will put an end to this totalitarian nightmare which requires obtaining conditional freedom.

Can we hope for a sudden spark of lucidity in these vaccinated people? In any case, this must not happen, the vaccinated people must maintain confidence in the authorities responsible for security, public health and justice. It must reframe and direct potential new skeptics who lose faith, comfort them and offer them a vengeance against the unvaccinated. They now deserve to be blamed for the overcrowding of hospitals, "they are the culprits". As a reminder to those who have just disembarked, hospital staff have been fighting for a very long time against the lack of resources and personnel. Today, 5,700 beds have recently been removed despite announcements of the start of pandemics or it was absolutely necessary to restore 10,000 beds as soon as possible (according to Macron). In the process we threw the non-vaccinated staff out to keep only the vaccinated even carriers of the virus... but vaccinated. As Castex could say, the unvaccinated catch the covid and transmit it while the vaccinated catch the covid and transmit it but they are vaccinated "(according to the humorous interpretation of Karine Dubernet). Again but this time it's is pure Castex “Of course, once again, we have found together that the best way to help them, to relieve the hospital, is not to fall ill! Not to get sick! And that, it depends on each and everyone… “But let’s not boast about not being vaccinated, if we managed to escape it, it is because most of the time our situation allowed us to do so. So I pause and give myself a good slap for everything I just said……………………!!!??!! Not everyone was so lucky. It is therefore good to separate the cooperative vaccinated and the victims of this forced vaccination. offer a loyalty card or a subscription to Pfizer. Are they victims? But from whom really, from themselves or from this anxiety-provoking propaganda? There are those who saw only their interests, their personal comfort, their individualism, their little hobbies and then c 'is all. They absolutely need the third dose for the winter holidays. And probably the fourth for the summer holidays. (it's in the drawers) Then comes all the others who have been forced by the force of illegal decrees to go to the vaccinodromes to keep their jobs, their incomes, their means of subsistence, not to sink into debt, the patients in the obligation to undergo surgical interventions or having to undergo heavy treatments... and many others still.

Getting vaccinated by coercion is something terrible, something that cannot easily be forgotten. And this constraint we owe it to our government at the boot of ???? From whom exactly. Let us not forget in passing the political and trade union opposition which is not very vindictive regarding these decisions. Thus participating in mass vaccination and the deprivation of freedoms by the establishment of the health pass. Of course they were offended, they wanted the patents lifted to show that they were there and watching over our well-being, they were even offended by the slowness of the opening of the vaccinodromes. And then they did humanitarian work by asking for aid from African countries so that they too could be vaccinated. But never, ever will they have defended the care protocols that would have stopped this pandemic and everything else in its tracks. They were able to preserve interests that did not concern us, even hostile to the population, to its social protection and to the safeguarding of the public hospital. Ah! How many deputies were present in the National Assembly when they should have been there? What dead silence. I leave it to you to name those who have openly committed themselves against this totalitarianism on the march.Note: A chance for Africans! They knew how to get rid of the virus with hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and artemisinin. makes my hair stand on end. I am therefore talking about the vaccinated who will recognize themselves above. They have a responsibility that they will find difficult to erase from the collective memory. You can always rely on an abuse of weakness or an I didn't know, you just had to think for yourself without waiting every day for your readiness to think mainstream and understand that something was wrong. Probably that today, the truth that unfolds despite censorship, is also becoming oppressive and unbearable. In the medical sector, many doctors find it difficult to admit that the Covid-19 vaccine was the cause of their patients' injuries or from their own wounds. It is inappropriate to talk about health issues when talking about the vaccine. Even healthy people who have been struck down by the vaccine tend to deny the cause of their health problems. racial. The health pass does not actually make racial segregation but from there to affirm that it is only a public health objective... Who today can still believe it? The exclusion process is very real and the public health objective does not exist. The evidence that accumulates day by day is totally ignored by the rulers of virtually all countries. The wave is huge. Is it outrageous to make a reference to Nazism? History tends to repeat itself. The only bulwark is in the people...or not.

Here! Forcibly vaccinated, unvaccinated “Courage” Support and respect for those who from the beginning have fought with words, for experts and scientists to inform us and try to reason with the madness of this world.

GastyPhoto GastyFor the brains in intensive care, here are some links. To be consulted in moderation during the first month to avoid rejection due to addiction to official media.https://reinfocovid.fr/articles-scientifiques/https://www.francesoir.fr/https://lecourrier-du -soir.com/category/international/https://www.wikistrike.com/https://planetes360.fr/https://pgibertie.com/https://qactus.fr/https://aphadolie.com /


Molnupivar / https://baslesmasques.com/o/Content/co683786/molnupiravir-veran-ordre-un-traitement-anti-covid-hors-de-prix-et-controhttps://pgibertie.com/2021 /11/10/mathematics-more-effective-to-fight-the-pandemic-than-vaccines-and-even-livermectin/

https://francais.rt.com/france/92344-barbier-propose-que-brigades-aillent-brapper-porte-des-non-vaccines-pour-les-convaincrehttps://www.agoravox.tv /tribune-libre/article/nous-sommes-en-guerre-que-des-91661https://www.mondialisation.ca/vaccination-des-enfants-les-dilemmes-dun-medecin-de-famille-en-temps -de-covid-19/5661768 Testimonials: https://cv19.fr/2021/11/09/plus-de-2000-temoignages-deffets-indesirables-et-de-deces-suite-a-la-vaccination-covid /https://nouveau-monde.ca/des-medecins-de-soins-intensifs-et-des-scientifiques-prestigieux-are-threatened-for-having-sonne-léveil-sur-les-blessures-causees-par -le-vaccin-covid-19/https://www.nexus.fr/actualite/news/traitements-anti-covid/

https://nouveau-monde.ca/une-revoltante-advertisement-from-pfizer-presents-children-vaccinated-as-super-heroes-and-forgets-those-who-suffer-from-effects -secondary/

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