Has CBD revolutionized my sexuality? I tested for you the alliance hemp and somersaults

CBD is everywhere… and interferes with sexuality, in the form of gels, massage oils or aphrodisiac products. Well-oiled marketing presents CBD as a miracle product for great sex. We wanted to test.

December 15, 2021

You may have already come across them, so many stores abound in all cities: they are called "happiness labs", or more classically, CBD Shops. CBD, or cannabidiol, the non-psychotropic molecule of cannabis (unlike THC, which makes it high), has invaded the shelves, from herbal teas to cosmetics, from oils to confectionery.

The therapeutic properties of cannabis have been talked about for several years, but the craze for CBD has been unprecedented since a European judgment in November 2020 rejecting its ban in France.

And there's one area where CBD is increasingly intruding…our sexuality.

In the form of a lubricant, gel or flowers to smoke/vape before (or during) the act, CBD is said to have miraculous effects on sexuality — better blood circulation and more sensations, less pain during intercourse, relaxing effects or even aphrodisiacs…

Already using CBD to regulate my anxiety since 2018, it was time to see if the little magic molecule would revolutionize my sexuality, or if it was a smokescreen.

What does CBD do on the body, exactly?

To start, I went to see the doctor Pascal Douek, specialist in therapeutic cannabis and author of Medical cannabis, a new chance (Solar Editions). He explains to Madmoizelle:

We have endocannabinoid receptors, on which CBD molecules attach themselves, and have impacts on the regulation of the nervous system.

"A happy and functional SEC [endocannabinoid system, editor's note] is essential to our good health because it regulates our biological functions: food, sleep, anxiety, memory and immune system", explains Léa, founder of Équilibre, an oil brand. of French CBD and spokesperson for the Syndicat du Chanvre.

Pascal Douek tells me that by ingesting CBD in the form of edible oil, this is where the dosage will be more precise. He adds that in an intimate context, massage oil can be interesting: “It is a prelude to sexuality, and it can have relaxing effects on the muscles”.

I have to admit, I am perplexed by these explanations.

CBD everywhere, orgasm nowhere?

On the question of the properties of CBD, it only takes a few clicks on Google to see the extent of its supposed benefits on sexuality: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, provides a feeling of relaxation and reinforces blood stimulation, reduces pain … As for hemp oil, it is known for its hydration and the protection it provides.

By relaxing the muscles, reducing stress and anxiety, and stimulating the flow of blood (especially from the clitoris), we would then be more relaxed, and the sensations increased tenfold.

“There are a lot of receptors in the clitoris and vulva for cannabinoids,” explains Madmoizelle Anne Kerveillant of My Lubie, which offers a lubricant made up of organic oils, arnica and CBD.

On the Internet, many articles praise the almost miracle effects of CBD for vaginismus, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, or vaginal dryness linked to menopause (to read also: Premenstrual syndrome, cramps… does CBD soothe menstruation really hurts?). Anne Kerveillant adds:

Pascal Douek confirms the impact of CBD on the psychological aspect of intimacy, be it anxiety in erectile dysfunction, for example, but insists on the indirect effect of cannabis and its molecules. Same echo for Laure Bouguen, founder of Ho Karan and member of the Professional Hemp Union:

CBD as a lubricant or massage oil: crash test

I am not the only one to be tempted by CBD and its properties. Julia, 31, uses a CBD balm as a lubricant or for massages. "I like the natural side, moreover as I quit smoking it brings me a little feeling of relaxation which reminds me of when I smoked CBD", she confides to Madmoizelle.

For my part, being already quite receptive to CBD, Libertine Oil from Ho Karan, an edible lubricating oil (used for my part in massage oil) and CBD lubricant from My Lubie convinced me, but more as a alternative than miracle cure — both don't stick, glide well, and are a pleasure to use. Small bonus for the Libertine Oil and its almond smell.

My big personal crush goes to The Beemine Lab, a Spanish brand mixing CBD and honey, which offers — in addition to CBD oils — a Cannabis Pleasure Gel intended to hydrate and stimulate the intimate area.

Enriched with propolis and cannabis sativa seed extracts, it is a translucent, fresh, honey-scented gel to be applied to private parts, quite ideal for mutual masturbation.

Above all, the gel is compatible with latex and all types of sex toys, unlike other products!

In addition, I was intrigued (without being able to test them yet) by the AMOUR sticks launched by Équilibre, containing plants known to be aphrodisiacs and CBD flowers from French organic hemp, intended to be smoked. Even so, remember: smoking is never good for your health!

"CBD is at the crossroads of this movement of cannabis and sexual care"

Problem: we are not all equal when it comes to CBD. Some won't see any effect, or others (like me), feel relaxed at the slightest drop — Ho Karan's Antidote, a soothing CBD oil to put on the skin or under the tongue so relaxed… that I fell asleep while one of my conquests went to fetch water!

Especially since, as Pascal Douek reminds us, there are still no quality clinical studies on the effects of CBD.

For Léa d'Équilibre, Anne Kerveillant from My Lubie or Laure Bouguen from Ho Karan, the revolution in the association of CBD and intimate products lies more in being able to talk about pleasure for women and people with vulva as well than lifting taboos around sexuality. The last abounds:

However, the creators of these brands are keen to warn about the craze for CBD, and encourage them to favor French hemp production, from people who know the plants. Laure Bouguen concludes:

Will CBD inflame your sexuality?

In the end, should you rush to the nearest love shop or CBD shop to buy intimate CBD products? As usual in sex, it's up to you. Just don't expect a revolution.

Most of these products represent a certain budget, so do not hesitate to test CBD in other forms to find out if you are receptive to it. It's an alternative that may be fun, if only in terms of smells and sensations, but that will not solve sexual problems, or improve your performance.

Last instruction: check the compatibility of an intimate product with latex and sex toys. From there… slide youth!

Read also: To soothe you, to rest, to pamper yourself… 3 reasons to succumb to CBD

Front page credit: CRYSTALWEED Cannabis / Unsplash

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