Is your heart healthy? Michel Cymes' tip to find out if you should consult a cardiologist

In case of chest pain or after a myocardial infarction, a patient can have a stress electrocardiogram in a hospital or clinic. This medical examination consists of measuring the reaction of the heart during sustained physical activity. Supervised by a cardiologist, it makes it possible to monitor the functioning of the heart after a heart attack or to determine the causes of chest pain.

A self-test to monitor your heart health

During his daily column on RTL, Michel Cymes revealed the operation of a self-test to be carried out at home in order to assess the state of health of his heart. "By carrying out a stress self-test, you will have an indication of the shape of your heart and this may encourage you to consult in case of doubt", specified the otolaryngologist.

The cardiac self-test takes place in several stages. Start by taking your resting pulse for one minute. "Find the right artery, that of the wrist or that of the neck, and count for 1 minute. That, everyone knows how to do it. When it's finished, you note the result", indicated Michel Cymes.

For the second step, perform thirty flexions with your arms straight and your feet firmly planted on the ground. For 45 seconds, go down and back up in this position. When the exercise is complete, take your pulse for ten seconds, then multiply the result by three and write it down.

Votre cœur est-il en forme ? L'astuce de Michel Cymes pour savoir si vous devez consulter un cardiologue

Last step: measure your pulse one minute after finishing the squats. Take it for fifteen seconds and multiply it by four. Then add up your three results. Then subtract 200 and divide that last number by ten. You should normally get a result between zero and fifteen. "This is called the recovery index and it is this figure that will allow you to shed light on the state of your little heart", explains Michel Cymes.

Exercise to take care of your heart

"If your result is between zero and fifteen, your heart is a priori in perfect working order. If your result is between five and ten, it passes. But the closer you get to ten, the less it passes", detailed Michel Cymes at the microphone of RTL. According to the practitioner, a result close to ten means that you need to work on your endurance. It is necessary to resume physical exercise by practicing, for example, jogging, cycling, swimming or even rowing. The goal is to boost your cardio.

"And if the result exceeds ten? Between ten and fifteen, you must realize that your heart is tired. And a tired heart does not help the body, which also has a drink," warned the doctor. Michel Cymes recommends that people with a result greater than ten practice regular physical activity and quickly consult a cardiologist to assess their heart health.

Read also :

⋙ Atrial fibrillation: what are the unknown symptoms of this heart rhythm disorder?

⋙ Bouveret's disease: how to treat this disorder which causes an acceleration of the heart rate?

⋙ Heart disease: 7 risk factors and how to protect yourself

⋙ Calming heart palpitations: the solutions

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